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  • Sloan v The Governors of Rastrick High School Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2014] EWCA Civ 1063 Matching text sample:

    The Governors of Rastrick High School

    ...the Governors of Rastrick High School in Brighouse, West Yorkshire... (the school), as a learning support... assistant. The school is a mainstream secondary school, with 1,400 pupils... ...classrooms and elsewhere in the school, and assistance with other...

    ...23 October, and left the school’s employment.

    ...under the MH Regulations, the school had failed (i) to...

  • MXX v A SECONDARY SCHOOL High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2022] EWHC 2207 (QB) Matching text sample:

    A SECONDARY SCHOOL a co-educational secondary school. It provides education for... children of senior school age from 11 to 16...

    ...13, the Claimant joined the school as a Year 8 pupil...

    ...”) at the Defendant’s school. He was then 18...

  • HA, R (on the application of) v Hampstead School & Anor High Court (Administrative Court) [2016] EWHC 278 (Admin) Matching text sample:


    ...on the roll at Hampstead School, a community school maintained by the London Borough... of Camden (“the school”). Until the end... ...On 21 May 2015 the school made a decision to transfer... ...-site education remain on the school's roll and are included...

    ...directed to (a) the school's initial decision to transfer...

    ...the Inclusions Manager at the school, and that it was... ...improper delegation” point). The school, on the other hand,... this context, that the school's summary grounds of resistance... ...the Inclusions manager at the school”. A gloss has been...

  • The Governing Body of School T v AA & Anor Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) [2023] UKUT 311 (AAC) Matching text sample:

    The Governing Body of School T -v- AA &...

    The Governing Body of School T

    ...that the Responsible Body for School T (“the Appellant”)...

    School T (“the School”) is a community special... school.

  • TZA, R (on the application of) v A Secondary School High Court (Administrative Court) [2023] EWHC 1722 (Admin) Matching text sample:


    ...excluded permanently from his secondary school shortly before his GCSEs.... . Because naming the school, members of its staff...

    ...exclude a pupil permanently from school who, like TZB, has...

    ...Headteacher of the Defendant secondary school (which I’ll call...

  • T, R (on the application of) v OL Primary School & Anor High Court (Administrative Court) [2005] EWHC 753 (Admin) Matching text sample:


    ...has attended the OL Primary School since September 2001 when she... ...reassessed in early 2004. The school is a mainstream primary school at which R is still...

    ...complaint is that the OL school unlawfully discriminated against R.... ...that the actions of the school amounted to less favourable treatment...

    ...fixed term exclusions from the school on ten occasions, between... ...provided some respite to the school, its pupils and its... ...when the actions of the school amount to less favourable treatment...

  • The Keepers and Governors of the Possessions, Revenues and Goods of the Free Grammar School of John Lyon, Within the Town of Harrow-on-the-Hill v His Majesty's Attorney General High Court (Business and Property Courts) [2024] EWHC 2857 (Ch) Matching text sample:


    ...incorporated charity which runs Harrow School and The John Lyon School. It has applied for...

    ...his mind a certain Grammar School, and one Schoolmaster and...

    one Grammar School in the Village of Harrow... called the Free Grammar School of John Lyon, for...

  • MXX v A Secondary School Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2023] EWCA Civ 996 Matching text sample:

    A Secondary School

    ...a pupil at the defendant school. The tortious acts occurred... ...(“WEP”) at the school. Findings of fact made... a co-educational secondary school providing education for children aged... ...then aged 13, joined the school. Between 24 and 28... ...undertook a WEP at the school. He was aged 18...

    ...that she should attend the school’s badminton club. In...

  • LG, R (on the application of) v The Independent Appeal Panel for Tom Hood School & Anor Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2010] EWCA Civ 142 Matching text sample:


    ...Appeal Panel for Tom Hood School (“the panel”),... exclude VG from the school. The panel, as defendant... permanently excluded from his school by reference to disputed allegations... exclude him from the school – and a determination to...

  • Coventry School Foundation v Whitehouse & Ors High Court (Chancery Division) [2012] EWHC 2351 (Ch) Matching text sample:


    ...the Trustees of the Coventry School Foundation (TCSF). They...

    ..., TCSF (then the Bablake School & Foundation) acquired TCSF’...

    ...a one and two storey school building (the School), car parking, access... ...intended to be a junior school to accommodate TCSF’s two...