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100 documents found
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Mark Lane & Anor v Pamela Lane
High Court (Insolvency and Companies List)
[2024] EWHC 2616 (Ch)
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...Product by the Solicitors of Baxendale-Walker's renowned Wealth Strategy Department...
YES - Paul Baxendale-Walker has published 5 leading textbooks...
High Court (Chancery Division)
[2019] EWHC 1401 (Ch)
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...Barker had brought against Mr Baxendale-Walker), which reversed the decision...
with the assistance of Mr Baxendale-Walker, formed a company called... ...had been begun by Mr Baxendale-Walker against Mr Barker and Confiànce...
Benefits. Later, Mr Baxendale-Walker was ordered to pay Mr... Mr Barker against Mr Baxendale-Walker), that the position changed...
Perinpanathan, R (on the application of) v City of Westminster Magistrates Court & Anor (Rev 1)
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2010] EWCA Civ 40
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Baxendale-Walker v the Law Society
...not be right that [Mr Baxendale-Walker] pay the Law Society’... a proportion of Mr Baxendale-Walker’s costs.”
Baxendale-Walker v. The Law Society
Mark Northwood v The Commissioners for HMRC
First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber)
[2023] UKFTT 351 (TC)
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...on a monthly basis. Paul Baxendale-Walker's fees are charged on...
...or September 2009 where Paul Baxendale-Walker talked about remuneration trust structures...
...meeting he attended and Paul Baxendale-Walker’s book on remuneration trusts...
Nursing and Midwifery Council v Hitchenor
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2012] EWHC 3565 (Admin)
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M R Currell Limited v The Commissioners for HMRC
First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber)
[2023] UKFTT 613 (TC)
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Neutral Citation: [2023] UKFTT 00613 (TC) Case Number: TC08855 FIRST-TIER TRIBUNAL TAX CHAMBER Heard in public in London Appeal reference: TC/2021/02755 INCOME TAX AND NICs – PAYE- payment of £800,000 to an EBT – loan of same amount made to a director of the appellant –real loan, secured with genuine repayment obligation – inevitable that at the time the payment was made to the EBT it would be lent to the director - substantial reason for the payment was to enable the EBT to make the loan – was the loan a reward or benefit? – yes – why was it paid – for the exertions of the director – loan was earnings within s 62 ITEPA – payment to EBT taxable – appeal dismissed Heard on: 24-26 April 2023 Judgment date: 12 July 2023 Before TRIBUNAL JUDGE NIGEL POPPLEWELL MR DUNCAN MCBRIDE Between M R CURRELL LIMITED Appellant and THE COMMISSIONERS FOR HIS MAJESTY’S REVENUE AND CUSTOMS
Levy v Solicitors Regulation Authority
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2011] EWHC 740 (Admin)
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...consideration to the case of Baxendale-Walker v
...appears that the Tribunal interprets Baxendale-Walker v ...Mr Hopper QC’s submission, Baxendale-Walker is authority for nothing of...Baxendale-Walker.
of the decision in Baxendale-Walker is contained in the following...
Hawk Recovery Ltd v Hall & Ors
High Court (Chancery Division)
[2016] EWHC 3260 (Ch)
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...ulterior purpose for which Mr Baxendale-Walker is controlling the proceedings in...
...vendetta being conducted by Mr Baxendale-Walker against his clients and that...
...abuse of process by Mr Baxendale-Walker or anyone else.
...on the allegation that Mr Baxendale-Walker had given some
David Owusu Yianoma v Bar Standards Board
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2023] EWHC 3112 (Admin)
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Baxendale-Walker v Law Society
Twin Benefits Ltd v Barker & Anor
High Court (Chancery Division)
[2017] EWHC 177 (Ch)
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...EBT was devised by Paul Baxendale-Walker, a specialist tax lawyer.... ...his firm Baxendale Walker, Mr Baxendale-Walker advised Mr Barker on the...
...or around October 1998 Mr Baxendale-Walker introduced Mr Barker to Susan... ...colleague and friend of Mr Baxendale-Walker’s. At that time,...