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High Court (Family Division)
[2024] EWHC 2593 (Fam)
Matching text sample: England and them starting school here.
...R would attend the International School in Romania (“the International... School”) where the classes were...
...per month and R’s school fees were funded in full...
R attended the International School for three years: reception,...
B, R (on the application of) v Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal & Anor
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2004] EWHC 2604 (Admin)
Matching text sample:
...L has been attending Vyners School, a mainstream comprehensive school which is run by Hillingdon... met in a mainstream school. Vyner's School is an appropriate placement."
...-to-one assistance at the school, namely for 35 minutes...
...Her contention was that Vyners School was not an appropriate placement... ...L and that the appropriate school to be entered in Part... ...4 was a private boarding school with fees of about £... ...per annum, namely Stanbridge Earls school in Romsey.
Essex County Council v Sendist
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2006] EWHC 1105 (Admin)
Matching text sample:
...pupil at CSS, a special school for children with moderate learning... ...C's home and her school, which is approximately a... amended to name another school known as ES, which... ...the appellants as a special school similar in nature to her... present school. The appellants agreed in... move to a different school were and remain that C... is very unhappy at school and has been for some... ...made her reluctant to attend school. Her mother also says... ...difficulties experienced at her present school have hindered her academic progress...
...specifies the name of a school or institution asks the local... ...the name of a maintained school specified by the parent,...
ZK, R (On the Application Of) v London Borough of Redbridge
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2019] EWHC 1450 (Admin)
Matching text sample:
...Redbridge, having transferred from primary school at the beginning of the... ...2019 academic year. Her secondary school is a mainstream school. and day to day school activities; and also identifies...
...the Claimant at the mainstream school she attends in Redbridge.... deployed into any mainstream school due to receive a VI... ...pupil moved from one mainstream school to another, a suitably... deployed to the new school straight away. It appears...
A v Essex County Council
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2008] EWCA Civ 364
Matching text sample:
He attended L S School, a Community Special Day School for children with severe learning...
...May 2001 teachers at the school recorded their concerns about his... behaviour and the school's ability to deal with...
...November 2001 named L S School as an appropriate placement.
...A stopped attending the LS School following notification to his parents... ...should be removed from the school. Thereafter he was kept... ...other pupils and staff. The school sent work to A's... ...activity sessions at L S School whilst his parents attended Makaton...
WS v Whitefield Schools & Centre & Anor
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2008] EWHC 1196 (Admin)
Matching text sample:
...W's prompt return to school after a SENDisT decision in...
...1990), who attended Whitefield school (the First Respondent) for... ...his name taken off the school roll. The conditions for...
...Appellant's placement at Whitefield school, because it took the... ...placed at a residential special school. His parents disagreed with...
...alia, failed to name a school under Part 4, resulted... ...the LEA to name Whitefield School under Part 4 of the... ...receipt of the decision, the school held a strategy meeting to... ...he had been out of school for one year, and... ...a group of pupils. The school wished to train additional staff... ...On 25 May 2006, the school wrote to the parents inviting...
P, R (on the application of) v Haringey London Borough Council
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2008] EWHC 2357 (Admin)
Matching text sample:
...appeal the decision by his school, confirmed by the school governors on 11th September 2006... ...exclude him permanently from the school. At the time this... ...of parental choice under the School Frameworks Act. As matters... no longer of mandatory school age but the issue of...
...He was excluded from his school in the London Borough of... ...Independent Appeal Panel within fifteen school days, which the notice...
...P's mother by the school, sent on behalf of...
...excluding [P] from the school and they therefore uphold the...
T & Anor, R (on the application of) v Beverley Lang & Anor
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2005] EWHC 1869 (Admin)
Matching text sample: the beginning of the school year in September 2004,... ...attend a mainstream maintained primary school in the Reception Class.... that stage, of compulsory school age, but the School was in a position to... ...attended two full days at school and three mornings, thus...
...had also visited the Primary School occasionally. By the time... ...the better part of two school terms. She had consulted... with the school teachers, with the approval...
The school teachers, particularly the Head... ...Mistress, gave evidence that the School could meet Z's needs... ...Z to be coming to school part-time only, thus... ...special provisions being made. The school was making use of the... in the future, the School was otherwise the right place... ...of part-time attendance at school should continue for as long...
K v Y
Family Court (B - district and circuit judges)
[2023] EWFC 262 (B)
Matching text sample:
...and for Z to change school. Y made an application... ...Z to remain at the school that she was attending at...
where should Z go to school;
...well as half of all school holidays. It appears this...
...continue to attend her primary school in Location 1. Z... remained at that primary school until the summer of 2020...
P v The Schools Adjudicator & Ors
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2006] EWHC 1934 (Admin)
Matching text sample:
...the St Mary Magdalene primary school (SMMPS), for judicial... ...discontinuance of SMMPS, a maintained school, in anticipation of the... ..., in law, an independent school. The challenge is launched...
...parents, when comparing the maintained school being discontinued with the Academy...
SSMPS is a voluntary school within the maintained sector. ...governing body of a voluntary school propose to discontinue the school, the governing body shall...
...proposals relating to a mainstream school”