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Judgments and decisions from 2001 onwards

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  • Eitzen Bulk A/S v TTMI Sarl High Court (Commercial Court) [2012] EWHC 202 (Comm) Matching text sample: having regard to the confidentiality provisions contained in most charterparties...

    ...same prices/quantities both ends agreement and the clause 15 regime...

  • Leicestershire County Council v AB & Ors High Court (Family Division) [2018] EWHC 539 (Fam) Matching text sample: prioritise the stability and confidentiality of the two younger children...

    ...very tight and clear written agreement and must be regularly reviewed...

  • Mitchell & Anor v Al Jaber & Ors High Court (Chancery Division) [2021] EWHC 912 (Ch) Matching text sample: as to protect the confidentiality of the information being provided...

    ...Amendment Application, subject to any agreement that the parties may reach...

  • Hofstetter & Anor v London Borough of Barnet High Court (Administrative Court) [2009] EWHC 3282 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...the writer relating to the confidentiality of the settlement as the...

    ...settled and according to the agreement that settlement was on an...

  • London Borough of Haringey v Musa High Court (Family Division) [2014] EWHC 1341 (Fam) Matching text sample: preserve and protect the confidentiality of the family and whereabouts...

    ...that "The IRO is in agreement with the plan."

  • Onwude v Dyer & Ors (Rev 1) High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2020] EWHC 3577 (QB) Matching text sample:

    ...published online, for reasons of confidentiality: instead, an annual report...

    ...objections and try to reach agreement on the points in issue...

  • HM Solicitor General v Ellis High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2020] EWHC 3505 (QB) Matching text sample: to waive privilege and confidentiality and to allow him to...

    I am in complete agreement with the findings of May...

  • HM Revenue & Customs v Banerjee Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2010] EWCA Civ 843 Matching text sample:

    ...a provision relating to patient confidentiality.

    ...give business efficacy to the agreement. Had there been such...

  • PDVSA Servicios SA v Clyde & Co LLP & Ors High Court (Chancery Division) [2020] EWHC 2322 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...and publicity would damage that confidentiality.

    ...Co, and under the escrow agreement between the parties Clyde &...

  • JSC BTA Bank v Ablyazov & Ors High Court (Commercial Court) [2012] EWHC 455 (Comm) Matching text sample:

    ...the usual implied obligation of confidentiality and, in this particular...

    ...court in the absence of agreement between the parties. Any...