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  • STAFFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL v K and L Family Court [2022] EWFC 51 Matching text sample:

    ...worried she will return from school and Harry would not be...

    ...try and kill us from school.”

    ...she worries about it at school which makes it hard in...

    ...had an impact on Julie. School reports that Julie has become...

  • Luton Borough Council v R & Ors Family Court [2024] EWFC 52 Matching text sample:

    ...System record from X’s school dated 11 September 2023 states... ...stated to her teacher at school that nothing had changed at... ...told her to tell the school that she was joking about...

    ...failed to ensure X attended school on a regular basis,...

    ...doing like running away from school, husband did the same....

    ...boundaries and failed to attend school. She also made unsubstantiated...

  • Mustafa, R (on the application of) v The Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education High Court (Administrative Court) [2013] EWHC 1379 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...of governors of the special school which he had attended,... a settled routine the School failed to ensure that his... us in argument, the school is criticised. Since it... ) and establish that the school did not act in accordance...

    ...judgment made by the particular school was outside the range within... ...that the criticism of the school was a criticism of an...

  • Dbeis & Ors v Secretary of State for the Home Department Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2005] EWCA Civ 584 Matching text sample:

    ...been attending Hounslow Heath Infants’ School, which has specialist support...

    ...which he is obtaining at school in the United Kingdom where... ...that he attends a normal school but has been assessed with...

    ...has been making at his school, in spite of his...

    . The school which he attended is inaccessible... to attend {the} school. There are also no...

  • Rebecca Pickford, R (on the application of) v Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council High Court (Administrative Court) [2024] EWHC 756 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...November 2020. C attends a school close to the Flat....

    ...also close to C’s school where the Claimant has to...

    ...45 minutes from C’s school near the Flat and also... ...long journey to and from school and he struggles to sleep... support network and the school; and that the Hotel...

  • Amir, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department High Court (Administrative Court) [2012] EWHC 4229 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...namely a letter from the school of the older child....

    ...Head of [the child’s school]. This is the school at which the older child... ...suffering from several difficulties at school. Unhelpfully, the nature and... ...difficulties are not explained. The school believes that [S] is...

    ...namely the letter from the school.

  • Duncombe and others v Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families United Kingdom Supreme Court [2011] UKSC 14 Matching text sample:

    The first European School was established in 1954 for...

    ...most of the Member States, school teachers are permanent employees of... ...the United Kingdom, however, school teachers are employed either by... ...the governing body of the school where they work. They... work in the European School in Culham, Oxfordshire, from...

    ...a teacher at the European School in Karlsruhe, Germany, from...

  • R (on the application of SG and others (previously JS and others)) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions United Kingdom Supreme Court [2015] UKSC 16 Matching text sample:

    ...violence, families with children at school, and households moving to,...

    ...age are required to attend school. Their younger children may... ...of employment, such as a school, the holiday periods during...

    ...particular orthodox Jewish sect. The school age children attend a local... Jewish school, kosher food is readily...

    ...for all children during the school holidays, the problems of... ...illnesses, accidents and to casual school closures. The more children... ...all of them are under school age.

  • D (A Child ; deprivation of liberty), Re High Court (Family Division) [2015] EWHC 922 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...He attends an on site school on a full time basis...

    ...other patients. There is a school room attached to each building... provided from a special school outreach service.”

    His school is integral to the building... site for all relevant school activities such as, to...

    ...therapists and representatives from his school (which is on site...

  • Bedford Borough Council v CD & Ors (Rev 1) High Court (Family Division) [2020] EWHC 1996 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...where he could stay at school. He was clear that... stay at the same school, and he wanted contact...

    ...could stay at the same school, his second choice was...

    ...she sent shortly after the school run that she had been...