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  • Sheikh v R Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2006] EWCA Crim 2625 Matching text sample: a carer at another school. He had re-married... important document at the school. He had no recollection...

    Mr McHugh worked at the school for 21 years until it... ...anything about him from the school years. He asked after...

    ...-availability of documentation from the school which he regards as being...

  • Dorset County Council v Goodall High Court (Family Division) [2017] EWFC 87 Matching text sample: workers and the girls’ school head-teacher, abducted one... the Local Authority and school authorities, and

    ...100 metres of any such school and he must not instruct...

    ...100 metres of any such school and he must not instruct...

  • Swift v Carpenter High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2018] EWHC 2060 (QB) Matching text sample:

    ...uninjured” childminding costs until secondary school age. the Youngest Reaching Secondary School Age

    ...’s youngest child reaches secondary school age. During this period,...

    ...the youngest child reaching primary school until secondary school age, Ms Scandrett’s...

  • A v Adopt London North & Ors Family Court [2024] EWFC 373 Matching text sample:

    ...X, B had not attended school.

    ...X and although she attended school she has struggled with panic... ...currently being supported in her school, and through CAMHS.

    D attended school in Country X but has...

    ...and is attending a special school.

  • TC and JC (Children: Relocation) High Court (Family Division) [2013] EWHC 292 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...the children's time in school terms). I will have...

    ...enrolled at the local primary school. J (now aged nearly... ...friends and relationships through the school and locally. It is...

    ...friends with parents at the school but she feels that her...

    ...whether during holiday periods or school time. In school time the parents should alternate...

  • Small, R v Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2008] EWCA Crim 1662 Matching text sample:

    ...2006 it was noted at school that B, from being...

    ...of course, to go to school. Her different treatment appears...

    ...from the NHS, from the school and from the social services...

    ...lavatory and she went to school. She was given the... ...appellant in letters to the school.

  • M (Children) Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2005] EWCA Civ 1712 Matching text sample:

    ...directly with the children's school. He had at that... entitlement to an annual school report, anonymised to conceal... the identity of the school. The third application that... direct communication with the school and the issue as to... contact the children's school, and to learn about...

  • Rashpal Samrai & Ors v Rajinder Kalia High Court (King's Bench Division) [2024] EWHC 3143 (KB) Matching text sample:

    ...13, in Year 9 at school, the Defendant started to... students at a secondary school in Coventry. She also...

    ...assaulted by Rajinder Kalia between school years 9 and 11,...

    ...but went into employment after school, initially in a perfume...

  • Earl Shilton Town Council v K Miller Employment Appeal Tribunal [2023] EAT 5 Matching text sample:

    In the context of a school that provided education that was...

    ...Executive Board of Al-Hijrah School

    ...when Birmingham provided fewer grammar school places for girls than boys...

    ...system of selection for secondary school places but, for historical...

  • AB and BC (Children) High Court (Family Division) [2020] EWHC 162 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...the children live and attend school, who appeared in person...

    ...and fully integrated into their school and education as well as... confirmed or clearly identified school places (the children have... ...educated in an English medium school and within the English education...

    ...determine the dates during the school summer holiday, when the...