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  • BAT Industries PLC & Ors v Commissioners of Inland Revenue & Anor High Court (Business and Property Courts) [2024] EWHC 195 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    The Claimants relied on the expert evidence of Malcolm Gammie CBE... KC. HMRC relied on expert evidence of Professor Catherine Barnard... ...expertise of the other’s expert and I am satisfied that... ...both were qualified to give expert opinion evidence. Both experts... ...examined. I deal with the expert evidence in detail below....

    ...Barnard and Mr Gammie’s expert reports between them ran to...

    ...the benefit of the extensive expert evidence that I have received...

    ...significant extent, Professor Barnard’s expert report sought to explain what... ...204 and 205 of her expert report, Professor Barnard commented... ...have permission to rely on expert evidence pursuant to the order...

  • Matchbet Ltd v Openbet Retail Ltd High Court (Chancery Division) [2013] EWHC 3067 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    Causation, quantum and the expert evidence of Matchbet’s accounting expert, Mr Christopher Swinson, Matchbet... ...of its own recently obtained expert evidence. Matchbet also sought...

    ...witnesses of fact, and the expert witnesses on both sides,...

    ...exchanges is drawn from the expert evidence.

  • Município de Mariana & Ors v BHP Group (UK) Limited & Anor High Court (Technology and Construction Court) [2023] EWHC 1134 (TCC) Matching text sample:

    ...avoid the need for geotechnical expert evidence;

    ...avoid the need for geotechnical expert evidence.

    ...that would not require geotechnical expert evidence because there is no...

    ..., in any event, geotechnical expert evidence would still be required...

  • National Bank Trust v Yurov & Ors High Court (Commercial Court) [2020] EWHC 100 (Comm) Matching text sample:

    ...and Mr Fetisov’s accountancy expert has not been able to...

    ...evidence of the Bank’s expert Mr Allen was that the...

    ...of the Defendants has adduced expert evidence (for example from... their Russian law expert, Mr Gerbutov) to the...

    ...the Bank relied upon the expert evidence of Dr Rachkov,... ...the Defendants relied upon the expert evidence of Dr Gerbutov,...

  • Baynham v Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2016] EWCA Civ 1249 Matching text sample:

    ...(v) – Assessment of expert witnesses

    ...Inconsistencies in the defendant’s expert evidence

    ...judge erred in assessing the expert evidence.

    ...included in the claimant’s expert evidence.

  • Casey v Cartwright Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2006] EWCA Civ 1280 Matching text sample:

    ...the evidence of a joint expert on the orthopaedic issues arising...

    ...parties to instruct a joint expert to deal with orthopaedic issues...

    ...district judge ordered the joint expert’s report to be served...

    ...The defendant wished to adduce expert evidence from Mr Newman,...

  • MS v The Secretary of State for the Home Department Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) [2016] UKUT 226 (IAC) Matching text sample: the evidence of an expert witness, the FtT continued:... and employment. In her expert opinion the intermediaries arranged the...

    on four expert reports. These were generated... by, respectively, an expert in anthropology, an expert in the laws of

    , an expert in child trafficking and exploitation... and an expert in labour exploitation. On... ...akin to skeleton arguments than expert commentary

  • Middlesbrough Council v M & Ors Family Court [2024] EWFC 378 Matching text sample:

    ...the lay evidence and then expert medical evidence. It is...

    ...evidence, the majority of the expert medical reporting, police disclosure,...

    ...including but not limited to, expert reporting and addendum, medical...

    ...the witnesses, and especially the expert witnesses, by leading counsel....

  • Various Claimants v McAlpine & Ors High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2016] EWHC 45 (QB) Matching text sample:

    ...the Claimants’ application to admit expert evidence on the estimation of...

    An expert in the field of actuarial...

    ...he is qualified to give expert evidence shall be admissible in...

    ...Part 35.1 provides that “expert evidence shall be restricted to...

  • Hovell v Ashford & St Peter's Hospital NHS Trust Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2009] EWCA Civ 670 Matching text sample:

    ...decision to appoint an independent expert in an equal value case... obtain the benefit of expert evidence when determining whether or... ...of equal value. An independent expert can be appointed “to...

    ...withdraw that requirement for the expert to report. This can... ...even be done after an expert has been appointed, although... the expert must then be given the...

    ...practice, ordered that an independent expert should be appointed to prepare...