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Button v Salama
High Court (Family Division)
[2013] EWHC 2474 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
The current school at which Elsa attends.
...and contact details of the school detailed in (v) above...
The current school name, school address and school contact details of Elsa's... school in Egypt.
...registration of Elsa at a school in Cairo, but then...
Lincolnshire County Council v Mouchel Business Services Ltd & Anor
High Court (Technology and Construction Court)
[2014] EWHC 352 (TCC)
Matching text sample: block at Boston Grammar School, which was then a school under Lincolnshire’s control as... local education authority. The School is now an academy but...
...and had written to the School identifying four factors which could... ...2011 the Governors of the School had asked Mouchel and the...
...during half term because the School did not want the inspection...
.... He said that “the school was not willing to allow... ...on 24 October during the school’s half term. The... ...’s expert inspected during the school’s summer holiday break.”...
E (Children) (Female Genital Mutilation Protection Orders), Re
High Court (Family Division)
[2015] EWHC 2275 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...preparation for this. Now the school holiday is upon us he... ...out the ceremony in the school holidays so that the children...
...She says that now the school holiday is upon us,...
...out the ceremony in the school holidays so that the children...
...metres of the children’s school, the name of which...
Wills & Anor v Sowray
High Court (Chancery Division)
[2020] EWHC 939 (Ch)
Matching text sample:
...made by sending cards, getting school reports and school photograph. Claire was too...
...again that “Tony walked to school with my mother and they...
...friend of their mothers since school days he felt that almost...
...however Tony received Claire's school reports prior to meeting her...
G (A Child: Care Order) (Complex Developmental Needs) (No 1), Re
Family Court (B - district and circuit judges)
[2023] EWFC 168 (B)
Matching text sample:
...specialist provision at Rainbow Primary School (
G began attendance at Runwood School (
...ensured G attended nursery and school every day. He had...
...unsettled at times on most school days and can be dysregulated...
AG v Brent Council
Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber)
[2024] UKUT 166 (AAC)
Matching text sample:
...parent per week during the school term (for your information,... ...with each parent during non-school terms) does not affect... situations outside of the school and also to support him...
...professionals that support S at school.
...professionals that support S at school
High Court (Family Division)
[2020] EWHC 2548 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...parents of Chinese origin with school age children often moved to... Hong Kong during the school term time and in other... school holidays apart from Easter,...
...for the children to start school in Hong Kong on 27...
...their father from Fridays after school to Monday morning at school on alternate weekends and for... additional time during school holidays to be agreed....
O, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Lewisham
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2008] EWHC 3503 (Admin)
Matching text sample:
...attendance at the Priory Horizon School in Rugeley on a 42...
...which is associated with the school, and is up in... ...he was given at the school and by associate teachers,... ...when he was at the school in Yorkshire, while the...
...of £11,000 on private school fees for a child with...
...figure was flexible, the Horizon School Priory Group figure was not...
A B & Ors v The Nugent Care Society
High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
[2006] EWHC 3031 (QB)
Matching text sample: the course of a school trip to Suffolk Dick had...
...times the defendants operated a school for mentally handicapped children …... ...were the staff at the school organised a holiday trip to... ...the staff at the said school. (3) Whilst on... ...deputy headmaster of the said school, the defendants’ servant or...
...boarding house attached to a school owned and managed by the...
I would hold the school vicariously liable for the warden...
Richardson v The Chief Constable of West Midlands Police
High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
[2011] EWHC 773 (QB)
Matching text sample:
...assaulted a pupil at the school where he was a teacher... ...a contemporaneous account to the school of the incident on 26
...Claimant was suspended from the school. The school obtained accounts from the boy... ...complaint with the police. The school were going to take the...
...not to go to the school unless by prior appointment to...
...the importance attached by his school to the fact of the... ...teacher of the Claimant’s school is recorded as saying of...