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  • ABX v SBX High Court (Family Division) [2018] EWFC 81 Matching text sample:

    ...the children attend a prep school in London and youngest attends... ...will remain at their prep school until they are at least... ...will remain at his current school until he is either 11... ...13, depending upon the senior school choices that are made for...

    ...their mother. The children’s school holidays will be shared equally...

    ...with the children in the school Easter holidays.

    ...with the start of the school year, is a sensible...

  • Z (No.5) (Enforcement), Re Family Court [2024] EWFC 44 Matching text sample: the home and at school. A year on from...

    ...sum as equals the primary school (including nursery) fees,... required by the relevant school, at any educational establishment... (be that to the school, the mother herself, or...

    ...payments and other support payments (school and nanny). I say...

  • Re A and B (Children) (Summary Return: Non-Convention State) Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2022] EWCA Civ 1664 Matching text sample:

    ...father's sole care during school holidays and at weekends....

    ...The children attend a local school.

    ...attended a fee-paying, English school where reports show that they...

    ...weekends and parts of the school holidays with him”. The... ...days with their father” during school holidays.

  • Arif v Anwar & Ors High Court (Family Division) [2014] EWHC 4669 (Fam) Matching text sample: undertaking to meet the school fees for the child of... – his son’s school fees. But he did...

    ...Husband undertakes to pay the school fees of the child of... to the payment of school fees, which I had...

    ...he will pay N’s school fees. These amount to...

  • G-P (A Child) Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2008] EWCA Civ 64 Matching text sample:’ notice was her poor school attendance. The judge made... ...years old, she barely attended school at all. The mother... ...failing to get A to school and a parenting order was... go to Abbeydale Grange School between September 2006 and the... ...that A stayed away from school because of bullying there.... ...for A staying away from school.

    ...impaired by her not attending school, although she is a...

  • Neil Jinks v The Information Commissioner First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) – Information Rights [2022] UKFTT 323 (GRC) Matching text sample:

    ...the Holy Rosary Catholic Primary School (‘the school’), one of a...

    Any documentation that the school has produced or received concerning...

    ...risk assessment covering out of school sporting events from September 2016...

    ...that safeguarding training of all school staff had taken place on...

  • S (a child), Re Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2003] EWCA Civ 963 Matching text sample:

    ...his younger brother and his school in their earlier reports;... ...but they did name his school.

    ...home and attend his old school. He has supervised contact...

    ...the name, address, or school, or include any particulars...

    ...or address of CS, his school (or other establishment in...

  • N (A Child) Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2009] EWCA Civ 127 Matching text sample:

    ...2007 he was presented at school, where it was noticed,...

    ...child minder and then, on school days, would take him... to school. Thus it was that,... ...6am until his presentation at school at 2pm, the applicant...

    ...such significant behavioural problems at school as to explain why his... admissions to school at that time were only... to how, both at school and in A&E,...

  • In the Matter of H (Care Order: Designated Local Authority) High Court (Family Division) [2016] EWFC 39 Matching text sample:

    ...unit, that the children’s school reports positive engagement with the...

    ...The older children are attending school regularly and there are no...

    ...she walks the children to school each day, she is... ...within walking distance of the school. If she is made... ...within walking distance of the school or even on a bus... the children’s present school with the result that the...

    ...’s right to a free school meal.”

  • Gutierrez-Perez, R v Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2009] EWCA Crim 2713 Matching text sample:

    ...barriers before crashing into a school wall. Estimates of her... at a time when school children were being let out... of the school and parents were gathering to... on ahead to the school gates. Her 14-month...

    ...number of passers-by and school staff ran to assist....

    ...built-up area near a school.