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  • X Council v B & Ors High Court (Family Division) [2004] EWHC 2015 (Fam) Matching text sample: concerns expressed by their school about the mother’s negativity... ...look “disappointed” when the school had something good to say... ...mother painted by D’s school in a report dated 16... ...time of the hearing. The school said that it had not... ...with D’s performance at school, as always contacting the school when there were any concerns...

    ...they would be collected from school and taken to the hospital...

    ...children will be collected from school and taken to … Hospital...

    ...the boys were collected from school and taken to the hospital...

  • B, R (on the application of) v Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council High Court (Administrative Court) [2003] EWHC 1832 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...Mrs Greenhalgh visited DB at school and, in a letter...

    ...Department, stated that DB’s school had confirmed that they had...

    ...make reference to difficulties at school again suggesting wide ranging difficulties...

    That DB has difficulties at school.

  • In the Matter of B (Children) High Court (Family Division) [2016] EWFC 2 Matching text sample:

    ...evidence from Z, the nursery school teacher; Laura Robson and...

    ...early years practitioner working at School A. She described in...

    ...It is apparent that the school document records detail which is... ...what was contained in the school document was accurate. She...

    ...B left to go to school. Submissions are made in...

  • F (Abduction: Consent), Re High Court (Family Division) [2014] EWHC 484 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...K was affected and his school expressed concern about aggressive behaviour...

    K started at one school in June 2013 and has... ...the father about the first school after enrolling K there.... ...him about the change in school, which he learned about...

    ...England with no accommodation or school arrangements having been made and...

    ...few weeks and his present school for a few days,...

  • A LOCAL AUTHORITY v THE MOTHER & Anor High Court (Family Division) [2022] EWHC 3043 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...into a lower class at school. The same evening X...

    ...In September 2021, X started school. A statement has been... given from the school in which they state that... refusing to go to school, hitting her face and... ...X had only gone to school in Turkey for some three... ...very upset when going to school in Turkey and effectively the... ...and had not gone to school. The Mother had said...

    ...virtually never having gone to school until she came to the...

  • London Borough of Waltham Forest v Saleh Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2019] EWCA Civ 1944 Matching text sample:

    ...daughter, Sara, had begun school in Walthamstow.

    ...possible to [Sara’s] school, family, friends and hospital...

    ...her journey to and from school. Each journey takes up...

    ...Little Ilford Lane and her school in Walthamstow. This, it...

  • Z & Y (Children : Care Proceedings) (Rev 1) High Court (Family Division) [2018] EWHC 644 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...found. Y was seen at school but made no complaints....

    ...Y was never enrolled in school and did not attend school at all during the months...

    ...she was still at primary school, putting his foot on...

    ...raised by the children’s school, W and X managed...

  • Edwards, R (on the application of) v Environment Agency & Anor High Court (Administrative Court) [2004] EWHC 736 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...their child educated at a school of their preference. Parents... ...not been admitted to the school of their preference have a...

    ...of preference as to the school at which his or her...

    of WB) v Leeds School Organisation Committee

    ...a decision to close a school. The claims were brought...

  • Michael Woodcock v R Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2023] EWCA Crim 333 Matching text sample:

    ...children, Anita, who left school when she was 15 and...

    As for going to school, she says she walked... ...she went to the smaller school on the same campus and... ...followed him to the big school. As to Plough Road,...

    ...went on the bike to school and you have the bike... ...wouldn’t pay for the school dinners. And Mr Woodcock... ...I’d get money for school dinners. But usually, I...

    So, the defendant leaves school in December ’64 aged...

  • X v Y High Court (Family Division) [2022] EWHC 2096 (Fam) Matching text sample: enrolling the children in school in England. Later on... putting the children into school in Germany soon. The...

    ...April 2022, the children started school in England.

    ...children were being enrolled in school and that the father was...