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  • London Borough of Lambeth, R (on the application of) v Lambeth Independent Appeals Panel & Anor High Court (Administrative Court) [2012] EWHC 943 (Admin) Matching text sample:


    ...reception class of Paxton Primary School in September 2011 for the... school year 2011/12.

    ...AL to, and from, school. She wants AL to... attend Paxton Primary School as its reception class is...

    ...'s application for a primary school place for AL.

  • Cardao-Pito, R (on the application of) v Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education & Anor High Court (Administrative Court) [2012] EWHC 203 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    LONDON BUSINESS SCHOOL leave the London Business School (LBS), where he...

    ...with a recommendation that the school offer him the sum of... could advise on the School’s obligations if any,...

  • A, R (on the application of) v Independent Appeal Panel for London Borough of Sutton & Ors High Court (Administrative Court) [2009] EWHC 1223 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...Board of Governors of B School

    ...Board of Governors of B School (“the School”) of 20 June 2007... exclude A from the School.

    A attended the School from September 2003. Between... ...brought smoking material onto the School premises, which he sold... ...due to take place off school premises) in the event... suspend A from the School. In a letter dated...

  • Somerset County Council, R (On the Application Of) v The Secretary of State for Education High Court (Administrative Court) [2020] EWHC 1675 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    SWANMEAD COMMUNITY SCHOOL (2) BRIDGWATER COLLEGE TRUST... order permitting Swanmead Community School (“Swanmead”) to become...

    ...Swanmead is the only middle school that is not an academy... ...There is only one upper school in the relevant area,... namely Wadham School. Upper schools educate children...

    ...and to ensure sufficiency of school places.

  • Coleman, R (on the application of) v The London Borough of Barnet Council & Ors High Court (Administrative Court) [2012] EWHC 3725 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    Primary School

    ...for the development of a school on land that was once...

    ...governors of Etz Chaim Primary School (“the Trust”)....

    ...halt the construction of the school, Irwin J

  • HPSPC Limited & Anor, (R on the application of) v Secretary of State for Education High Court (Administrative Court) [2022] EWHC 3159 (Admin) Matching text sample:


    ...the transfer of Holland Park School (“HPS”) to a...

    The Holland Park School Parents Collective (“HPSPC”)... ...discuss the future of the school and to make representations to...

    ...concerned as to how the school would be governed in future...

  • Murphy v Slough Borough Council & Ors Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2005] EWCA Civ 122 Matching text sample:

    Governing Body of Langleywood School (2)

    ...employed at a maintained community school with a delegated budget.... ...Governing Body of such a school is given extensive employment powers... a teacher at Langleywood School in the borough of Slough...

    ...the Governing Body of the school decided that the appellant should... ...take unpaid leave because the school was in a precarious financial... ...beginning in September 2001, the school had been the subject of...

  • A v B Local Authority & Anor Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2016] EWCA Civ 766 Matching text sample:

    C governing body of school

    ...head teacher at a primary school, of which the second... ...failed to reveal to the school authorities that a male,... ...them onto his computer. The school considered that the failure to...

    ...way which would identify the school or any of the children... ...the governing body of the school, is C. We make... ...second point is that the school now has academy status with...

    ...IS’s offending to the school and had been advised that... ...was not necessary. Subsequently the school was told by the Council...

  • Clare Page v The Information Commissioner & Anor First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) – Information Rights [2023] UKFTT 476 (GRC) Matching text sample:


    ...September 2021 facilitators from the School of Sexuality Education (SoSE)... ...’s Hatcham College (‘the School). The Trust is a... ...-Academy Trust of which the School is a member. ‘The... Trust’ and ‘the School’ are used interchangeably in...

    ...attempts to obtain from the School (i) copies of the... ...Page also asserts that the School is incorrectly stating that certain...

    ...role to determine whether a school, or an external provider... ...jurisdiction to determine if a school should have provided copies of... ...only determine whether, if a school has refused to provide,...

  • Stryjak v London Borough of Hounslow & Ors High Court (Administrative Court) [2016] EWHC 1897 (Admin) Matching text sample:


    ...for the erection of a school on land at Syon Green...

    ...does not succeed, that the school is able to start the...

    ...and part three-storey free school, which was described as... an all-through school, and also there was...