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  • Lambert & Ors v Barratt Homes Ltd & Anor Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2010] EWCA Civ 681 Matching text sample: which was formerly a school playing field owned by the... ...of St Leonard’s Primary School on the eastern side of...

    ...been carried out in the school summer holidays of 2009....

    ...level into St Leonard’s school playing fields to a manhole... ...proprietor of St Leonard’s School. It may also require... of St Leonard’s School needs to be carried out... during the school summer holidays.

    ...from the governors of the school and from United Utilities until... ...and the governors of the school.

  • A (Letter to a Young Person), Re (Rev 1) High Court (Family Division) [2017] EWFC 48 Matching text sample:

    ...court and went on a school trip for the rest of...

    ...the moment. You have your school, your friends, your music... living and going to school, where the money would...

    ...not that impressed with your school, most kids across the...

    ...when you were a primary school, but it will not...

  • S (A Child), Re (Rev 1) High Court (Family Division) [2013] EWHC 1295 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...course began at a local school. The mother obtained some...

    ...hours’ journey from S's school, which has been burdensome...

    ...He would attend a local school, where she herself spent...

    ...for S to go to school somewhere closer to her new...

  • Onykwere v Secretary of State for the Home Department High Court (Administrative Court) [2016] EWHC 758 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...correspondence from Child J's school and General Practitioner (as...

    ...the Headmaster of J’s school, dated 22 January 2014,...

    ...and brings [J] to school on a regular basis....

    ...such as being hyperactive at school and fighting with other children...

  • M v MGM Family Court [2022] EWFC 72 Matching text sample:

    ...She exhibited behavioural problems at school from a very early age... ...She then attended a specialist school for children with social and...

    In 2007 M’s school raised concerns about M’s... ...her drawings were sexualised. The school said that the relationship between... MGM and the school was difficult and that M...

    ...that M had presented at school with sexualised behaviour in 2007...

    ...the assessment spoke to the school and the family GP and...

  • Van Colle & Anor v Hertfordshire Police Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2007] EWCA Civ 325 Matching text sample:

    ...Osman was shot by a school teacher, Mr Paget-Lewis... ...old pupil at PL’s school. He took photographs of... Ahmet reported to the school that PL had told him... ...him if he left the school. In March 1987 the... ...were the appearance around the school of obscene graffiti involving Ahmet... ...Leslie and the theft of school files, both of which...

    ...another pupil at a former school. Two senior police officers... ...he returned to a different school.

    ...He had not been to school for two weeks because he... ...deputy head of Ahmet’s school for all his troubles but... ...a “Hungerford” in a school but would see him at...

    ...the Osman family and the school authorities. On the applicants’...

  • S v A High Court (Family Division) [2022] EWHC 2300 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...down’ for a nursery / school. It was later accepted... ...completed the contents of a school application form in October 2020... ...B [Town] in the school application form in October 2020...

    ” in the school application form, a point...

    ...The child attended a pre- school nursery in Pakistan for part...

    ...that he did complete the school application form with information provided...

  • B (A Child) (1980 Hague Convention Proceedings) Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2014] EWCA Civ 375 Matching text sample: extra time in the school holidays. The contact provisions...

    ...and where MB went to school so that they could focus...

    ...was telephoned by MB’s school in June 2012 to tell... ...she had not been to school for a month. He... MB started a local school in September 2013 and has...

  • W v Westminister City Council High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2005] EWHC 102 (QB) Matching text sample:

    ...him making visits to her school. It has been reported...

    ...Child Protection Unit, S’s School nurse, the Headteacher of... the school which S then attended,...

    ...head teacher of S’s school that neighbours had reported to... her school that men were attending the... ...whilst the children were at school. Ms Marks discussed various...

    ...Ms Marks attended S’s school and had a detailed discussion... ...the information supplied by the school that Ms Marks considered that...

  • CO, R (on the application of) v Surrey County Council High Court (Administrative Court) [2014] EWHC 3932 (Admin) Matching text sample: kill her siblings and school friends, and self-harming....

    ...head teacher at C’s school, who told her that... ...had picked her up from school the previous afternoon.

    ...C would go back to school. AF phoned GM to... the family home after school on Monday 2 November).... pick up C after school on the Thursday (5...