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High Court (Business and Property Courts)
[2023] EWHC 1168 (Ch)
Matching text sample:
R(Z) v Hackney
Freshasia Foods Ltd v Lu
High Court (Chancery Division)
[2019] EWHC 638 (Ch)
Matching text sample:
...first available appointment at the Hackney Law Centre to get advice...
Chinnock v Wasbrough & Anor
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2015] EWCA Civ 441
Matching text sample:
Bolitho v City and Hackney Health Authority
Connolly v Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
[2015] EWHC 1339 (QB)
Matching text sample:
Bolitho v City and Hackney Health Authority
The Queen (on the application of Kalonga) v London Borough of Croydon
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2022] EWCA Civ 670
Matching text sample:
Akumah v Hackney London Borough Council
Zarb v Odetoyinbo
High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
[2006] EWHC 2880 (QB)
Matching text sample:
Bolitho v City and Hackney Health Authority
Jennifer Benjamin v The Markfield Project
Employment Appeal Tribunal
[2022] EAT 167
Matching text sample: needs lectureship post at Hackney College.
NS, R (on the application of) v Social Entitlement Chamber of the First-tier tribunal
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2009] EWHC 3819 (Admin)
Matching text sample:
...A,D and Y) v Hackney [2005] EWHC 2950 (...
Balajigari v The Secretary of State for the Home Department
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2019] EWCA Civ 673
Matching text sample:
R v Hackney London Borough Council, ex...
Johnson v Luxcool Ltd & Ors
High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
[2008] EWHC 1591 (QB)
Matching text sample:
...of the London Borough of Hackney (