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Judgments and decisions from 2001 onwards

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  • Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd vTrustees of the Arup UK Pension Scheme High Court (Chancery Division) [2020] EWHC 1064 (Ch) Matching text sample: prepared by Mr Paul Johnson, Director of the Institute... ...Statistics: A Review (the Johnson Report) published in January... changes subsequent to the Johnson report, as being those...

    The Johnson report recommended that the ONS...

    In the period since the Johnson report government has continued to... and shoes (see the Johnson report, para 3.8...

  • Nokia GmbH v IPCOM GmbH & Co KG Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2011] EWCA Civ 6 Matching text sample:

    Johnson v Gore Wood

    Johnson v Gore-Wood

    ...of the court for Mr Johnson to bring his own proceedings... the time when Mr Johnson brought the present proceedings and... ...course, no doubt that Mr Johnson

  • N (A Child), Re High Court (Family Division) [2016] EWHC 3085 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...explicit in the judgment of Johnson J in

    ...which I have already referred (Johnson J),

    , Johnson J referred to and applied...

    The Paraguayan order with which Johnson J was concerned did two... ...patria potestas. Accordingly, as Johnson J put it, 537,

  • Ahmed & Anor v Ahmed High Court (Chancery Division) [2021] EWHC 1021 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...oral judgment given by Adam Johnson J on 16 February 2021...

    ...This application came before Adam Johnson J on 4 February 2021...

    On 16 February 2021 Adam Johnson J dismissed the Defendant’s...

    ...Mann J and by Adam Johnson J. There will be...

  • Bibi Adilah Rojha v Zinc Media Group Plc Employment Appeal Tribunal [2023] EAT 39 Matching text sample:

    Johnson v Oldham MBC

    Johnson v Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council


    Johnson v Oldham

  • Harrison Jalla & Anor. v Shell International Trading and Shipping Company Limited & Anor. High Court (Technology and Construction Court) [2023] EWHC 424 (TCC) Matching text sample:

    ...of Mr Dennis Ojulu, Mr Johnson Agbeyagbe and Ms Elizabeth Ekolokolo...

    Honourable Olayjemi Johnson Nanna, an elder of...

    ...two witnesses, the Honourable Olayjemi Johnson Nanna and Chief Rumson Victory...

    The Honourable Olayjemi Johnson Nanna is an elder of...

  • R v Joe Frizell & Anor Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2024] EWCA Crim 1108 Matching text sample:

    ...a co-defendant, Victoria Webb-Johnson.

    ...from the co-defendant Webb-Johnson who ran VWJ, and...

    ...said that Paraszko gave Webb-Johnson's company preferential treatment and...

    ...of the co-defendant Webb-Johnson was given. Under ground...

  • Varma v Atkinson & Anor Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2020] EWCA Civ 1602 Matching text sample:

    ...the present appeal. Mr Adam Johnson QC (as he then... ...’s bank accounts (‘the Johnson order’). On 1...

    ...of paragraph 4 of the Johnson order because he failed to...

    ...concerns the breach of the Johnson order of 3 July 2019...

    the Johnson order and for a stay...

  • Coke-Wallis v Institute of Chartered Accountants In England and Wales Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2009] EWCA Civ 730 Matching text sample:

    Johnson v Gore Wood

    Johnson v Gore Wood

    Johnson v Gore Wood

    Johnson v Gore Wood,

  • Sahib Restaurant Ltd v HM Revenue & Customs Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2008] EWCA Civ 1106 Matching text sample:

    ...example, the relationship between Mr Johnson (of

    Johnson v Gore-Wood