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  • DFX & Ors v Coventry City Council High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2021] EWHC 1382 (QB) Matching text sample:

    The Official Solicitor)

    The Official Solicitor)

    ...her litigation friend, the Official Solicitor;

    ...her litigation friend, the Official Solicitor;

  • Y & Anor (1996 Hague Convention: Article 11), Re Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2023] EWCA Civ 817 Matching text sample:

    Local Authority Solicitor

    ...Respondents, by their children’s guardian

    ...authority and the children’s guardian:

    ...then the court endorses the Guardian’s position that the children...

  • Reading Borough Council v Miss Angela D & Ors High Court (Family Division) [2006] EWHC 1465 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    (through the Children’s Guardian – Melanie B)

    ...& Co.) for the Guardian

    ...Robertson for the father. The Guardian was represented by Mr Samuels...

    the children’s Guardian,

  • Douglas & Ors v Hello! Ltd & Ors High Court (Chancery Division) [2003] EWHC 786 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...H.T.M. Mulcahy (Solicitor Advocate of Messrs Reed Smith...

    ...H.T.M. Mulcahy (Solicitor Advocate of Messrs Reed Smith...

    .... Mr Christopher Mark Hutchings, solicitor, a partner in Charles...

    ...number of Mr Christopher Hutchings, solicitor, of Charles Russell, and...

  • Kirklees Metropolitan District Council v A Hungarian mother High Court (Family Division) [2014] EWHC 2496 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    For the Children’s Guardian: MRS CONERON a very experienced childcare solicitor, Mrs. Cain. The... ...instructions from the children’s guardian, Susan Orlinski.

    ...reports from the children’s guardian, Miss Orlinski, a social...

    ...made in consultation with the guardian and also with the court...

  • C (Children) Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2009] EWCA Civ 959 Matching text sample:

    ...local authority. The Children’s Guardian has put in a skeleton... ...counsel for the Children’s Guardian has been excused attendance. discharge the Children’s Guardian and the children’s solicitor on the grounds that they...

    ...the company of MH. The guardian told the judge that she... ...the mother giving her, the guardian, a substantial list of...

    ...but she wanted one particular solicitor to represent her and one...


    ...had been contact by The Guardian newspaper who had seen the... ...would have consequences for The Guardian newspaper, in light of... ...would have consequences for The Guardian (and for others).... ...circumstances, I asked for The Guardian journalist who had made contact... ...sought would impact on The Guardian. The journalist was kind... ...emphasised that there is a Guardian legal team, but that... ...practical circumstances faced by The Guardian and, to the extent...

    ...’s Order – including The Guardian newspaper, taking any step...

    ...18:55 the Claimant’s solicitor sent an email and at...

    ...position is exemplified by The Guardian newspaper whose journalist has seen...

  • W (A Child), Re High Court (Family Division) [2013] EWHC 653 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...Child by his Children’s Guardian)

    ...(a Child by the Official Solicitor)

    ...Law) for the Children’s Guardian

    ...supported by the children's Guardian, seeks a care order...

  • Bradford MDC v A Mother Family Court [2022] EWFC 48 Matching text sample:

    ...S through his Children’s Guardian

    S has a Children’s Guardian appointed. R is separately... R’s Children’s Guardian. I have heard oral...

    ...Children, by their Children’s Guardian)

    ...(R’s previous Children’s Guardian), and Ms K....

  • ABC & Ors v Derbyshire County Council & Anor High Court (King's Bench Division) [2023] EWHC 986 (KB) Matching text sample:

    ...was also used]. The solicitor noted that Dr S had...

    ...took place. The children’s Guardian supported the interim separation of...

    ...On 15 June 2017 the Guardian provided an initial analysis,...

    ...did invite D1 and the Guardian to keep the issue under...