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High Court (Family Division)
[2020] EWHC 2968 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...and thereafter half of the school holidays. For reasons which...
Agrest & Anor v Kremen
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2011] EWCA Civ 259
Matching text sample: order for payment of school fees and maintenance for the...
BAE Systems Marine Limited v Alfa Laval Limited
High Court (King's Bench Division)
[2022] EWHC 2686 (KB)
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...Later, the year of leaving school was stated as 1960,...
Williams v R
Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)
[2014] EWCA Crim 1862
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...of bed to go to school. He was still behaving...
Worcestershire County Council (R on the application of) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2021] EWCA Civ 1957
Matching text sample:
(a)which is a school or other institution;
Hameed v Packe & Anor
High Court (Chancery Division)
[2018] EWHC 3061 (Ch)
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...for personal expenses, in particular school fees (around £17,000...
General Medical Council v Patel
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2018] EWHC 171 (Admin)
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...Shannon, Head of the London School of Anaesthetics, in respect...
PJS v News Group Newspapers Ltd
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2016] EWCA Civ 393
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...learn about these matters from school friends or the Internet....
Edward Phelan v The Commissioners for HMRC
First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber)
[2023] UKFTT 29 (TC)
Matching text sample: a university, college, school or other educational establishment.
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities And Local Government and Anor
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2020] EWHC 270 (Admin)
Matching text sample:
...of the impact on Swanlea School should be given limited weight...