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  • Broughal v Walsh Brothers Builders Ltd & Anor Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2018] EWCA Civ 1610 Matching text sample:

    Johnson v Johnson

    Johnson v Johnson

    Johnson v Johnson

  • BNP Paribas SA v Open Joint Stock Company Russian Machines & Anor High Court (Commercial Court) [2011] EWHC 308 (Comm) Matching text sample:

    Steptoe & Johnson) for the First Defendant represented by Steptoe & Johnson. On 6 September 2010,...

    .../or (b) Steptoe & Johnson on that date or any...

    ...allowing service upon Steptoe & Johnson at their address within this...

  • Winder v Director of Public Prosecutions High Court (Administrative Court) [2020] EWHC 1611 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    RSPCA v Johnson

    . In Johnson this court (Pill LJ... individual, namely (see Johnson) the individual who is...Johnson, it was a proper...

    ...phrase of Pill LJ in Johnson (at [33]) –... ...the relevant passages from both Johnson and

  • Carlick Contract Furniture Limited v The Commissioners for HMRC First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) [2022] UKFTT 220 (TC) Matching text sample:

    Kim Johnson, litigator of HM Revenue... supplemental question from Ms Johnson on his witness statement but...

    Ms Johnson submitted that the terms of...

    Ms Johnson also referred to the Treasury...

  • Andres Fernando Bravo & Ors v Amerisur Resources Ltd High Court (King's Bench Division) [2023] EWHC 122 (KB) Matching text sample:

    Johnson v Berentzen

    Johnson v Berentzen

    and Johnson. He contends that it...


  • Aisosa Henkoma v R Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2023] EWCA Crim 808 Matching text sample:

    Andrew Johnson

    Mr Johnson for the respondent submits that...

    Mr Johnson accepted, rightly in our... ..., and was not. Mr Johnson was also right, however,...

    Mr Johnson explained that the basis of...

  • Banks v Cadwalladr High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2019] EWHC 3451 (QB) Matching text sample:

    ...and Aggregate IQ by Boris Johnson's and of course the... is really about Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage and this...

    ...that question because when Boris Johnson was asked about possible Russian...'s five, so Boris Johnson who MI6 reported to,... ...embassies, so I think Boris Johnson, that cannot be correct,...

    ...because again it is Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage who are...

  • Cadogan Petroleum Holdings Ltd v Global Process Systems LLC High Court (Commercial Court) [2013] EWHC 214 (Comm) Matching text sample:

    v Johnson

    Stockloser v Johnson

    ...previously cited from Stockloser v. Johnson

    Stockloser v Johnson.

  • A, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Croydon Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) [2015] UKUT 168 (IAC) Matching text sample:

    Sheila Johnson

    : Ms Johnson is a qualified social worker...

    ...the photograph. Furthermore, Ms Johnson said in oral evidence that...

    ...both Mr James and Ms Johnson were of the view that... ...what Mr James and Ms Johnson were endeavouring to say is...

  • The Financial Conduct Authority v London Property Investments & Ors High Court (Chancery Division) [2022] EWHC 1041 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...was summarised by Mr Edwin Johnson QC, as he then...

    ...her judgment, described what Mr Johnson had to say as summarising...

    ...defending account proceedings and Mr Johnson QC said as follows:

    ...was referred to by Mr Johnson in his analysis of the...