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PG v Commissioners for HMRC & Anor
Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber)
[2016] UKUT 216 (AAC)
Matching text sample:
...G on three nights, with school holidays shared equally between the... ...activities with the children including school work, and expenditure. As... ...Mrs G did no after-school activities with the children....
...the main contact is for school/college/nursery/childcare
...address for contact for the school/college/nursery/child care,...
...should be apportioned to his school. I agree with the... ...when a child is at school, ‘the main responsibility’... ...him vis à vis his school (see the last sentence... ...responsibility during the days of school term time between the claimant... ....] when he was at school, and concentrating on which... ...responsibility for [Ad.] during school hours. I accept the...
Birmingham City Council v AB & Ors
High Court (Family Division)
[2014] EWHC 3090 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...her at the children’s school. A school should be a place of...
...showing signs of disturbance at school and at the foster home... ...Y to see W at school daily. Being at the... same school as W was thought by... ...hearing the girls had moved school and there were some signs...
...head teacher of B Primary School, Mrs A, who wrote...
...has had some counselling at school to cope with the loss... ...children were at the same school.
P (teenager: transfer of residence: number 2), Re
Family Court (B - district and circuit judges)
[2024] EWFC 314 (B)
Matching text sample:
...weekly Boarding at her current school should be considered as an...
...about wanting to board at school and this has never been...
...made for P, especially regarding school and therefore F should be... ...around these issues (such as school trips and health issues)...
...P should go to boarding school, it is “
OZ v ML & Ors
High Court (Family Division)
[2023] EWHC 2412 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...and A attended an international school in Kazakhstan and spoke English...
...concern, for example that after school clubs would cause friction regarding...
...organise the move and find school places for the children and... ...2020 at a local primary school, and from March 2021,...
...taking all the children to school, even though Y had... ...fever and was not well. School contacted ML, indicating that...
JKL (Children : Transnational Abandonment : Interim Order)
High Court (Family Division)
[2020] EWHC 2509 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...of seven siblings. She attended school in Pakistan between the ages... ...and seventeen, when she left school without any formal qualifications.... ...did not learn English at school.
...6 November 2016, J’s school made a referral to social... ...member of staff at the school that the father had hit... ...2016, J had disclosed at school that the father slapped her... ...Following a meeting at the school in which the father appeared... ...taken any further by the school.
...15 June 2017 J’s school made another further referral to... ’. Staff at the school had spoken to the mother...
...member of staff at the school) that she had previously...
FQ v MQ & Ors
High Court (Family Division)
[2013] EWHC 4149 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...learnt the children were in school here the mother indicated that... the end of the school year as she did not... their environment of family, school and community.”
...good time for the American school year. She denies this.... ...mention the children going to school in America but said to... time for the new school year. I prefer her...
N-C (Sexual Abuse Allegations), Re
Family Court (B - district and circuit judges)
[2024] EWFC 174 (B)
Matching text sample:
...A was spoken to at school on 1 July 2022.
...safeguarding lead at A’s School
...beginning to intrude into her school life. There were other...
...Safeguarding Lead at A’s school was involved in a Team...
MIV & Ors,R (on the application of) v LB of Newham
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2018] EWHC 3298 (Admin)
Matching text sample:
...nursery, at William Davies Primary School, for 1 hour 15...
...meeting at MIV’s nursery school, with his parents, the... attend William Davies Primary School and he was offered a... school place at North Beckton School to commence in September 2017...
...defendant to begin attending a school, with specialist early years... ...taking MIV to and from school. From December 2017 this... ...take MIV to and from school.
F v M & Ors
Family Court (B - district and circuit judges)
[2023] EWFC 172 (B)
Matching text sample:
...current address or location [including school or work place]. In...
...teacher at the children’s school in breach of the clear... with him, including after school to enable him to help... no unauthorised absence from school. She has also applied...
Academy Trust for Hockerhill Angloeuropean College, R (on the application of) v The Office of the Schools Adjudicator
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2016] EWHC 1642 (Admin)
Matching text sample: day and boarding school for students aged 11 to... undoubtedly a thoroughly excellent school. It was regarded by... ...bilingual. It has pioneered language school and university partnerships by joining...
...what is provided by the school is to be encouraged and...
...had accommodation provided by the school and day pupils and the...
...that sections of the 1998 School Standards and Framework Act have... issue a Code for school admissions. That section does...