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  • I (A Child) (Relocation: Australia), Re Family Court (B - district and circuit judges) [2024] EWFC 3 (B) Matching text sample:

    ...having contact every day after school and for both days at...

    ...sector. I have considered various school and education reports relating to...

    ...the failure to alert the school to any diagnosis at the... ...time of admission to the school. I understand R to...

    ...the head at I’s school. Examples can also be...

  • JPC v SLW & Anor High Court (Family Division) [2007] EWHC 1349 (Fam) Matching text sample: the terms of the school year to be with the... ...The Children were then at school in England. S was... at a High School in Surrey. However, Mr...

    ...Dublin and at her Irish school at was "not too...

    ...went to collect S from school and found that she was...

    ...return of the children to school, S contacted the father...

  • Swindon Borough Council v Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities & Anor High Court (Planning Court) [2023] EWHC 1627 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...commercial facilities and a primary school on part of the allocated... concluding that a primary school would not be necessary in...

    • Provision of the school site.

    ...further maintained that a primary school was not necessary in practice... ...of land for a primary school.

  • B and G (Children), Re Family Court (B - district and circuit judges) [2023] EWFC 225 (B) Matching text sample:

    ...carers, attending a specialist boarding school during the week.

    ...have informed ‘B’s boarding school on 6 March 2023 that...

    ...ending her life following the school holidays and alluded to killing...

    ...mother advised ‘B’s residential school that she cannot cope with...

  • A, R (on the application of) v B Council High Court (Administrative Court) [2007] EWHC 1529 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    The Council provides home to school transport for some 25,000...

    ...of any driver, on a school contract, whose conduct is... a teacher at the school at which the claimant was...

    ...she had returned to the school from which she had been...

  • John Mundu Shabani v The Secretary of State for the Home Department Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) [2013] UKUT 315 (IAC) Matching text sample:

    ...class at a maintained primary school in a London Borough,...

    ...reception class of a primary school receiving structured education is obviously...

    ...the possibility of going to school but it was consistent with...

    ...reception class of a primary school prior to compulsory school age who will be following... ...classmates who have already attained school age. “

  • R (A Child), Re Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2009] EWCA Civ 445 Matching text sample:

    ...good progress at his primary school in Redditch.

    ...a good idea for a school at Hall Green to be... the need for a school. If a school move was being discussed,... ...and require a change of school.

    ...a place reserved at the school that the child would be...

  • Brentwood Borough Council v Ball & Ors High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2009] EWHC 2433 (QB) Matching text sample: settle down in one school or obtain home tutoring.... ...the children either hardly attended school at all or frequently changed... school with the effect that they...

    ...which they could either attend school or have home teaching and... ...started going to a new school she had to begin at...

    ...with our children going to school and not running up and... able to cope with school life. He has a... ...boy has been attending Uplands School in Epping which is the... ...mutually agreed system of home-school liaison to be established and... the view of the school that he is settled in... that school, that moving school would not be good for... ...his son out of Uplands School or staying in the area... ...took his son out of school and moved away from Plot...

  • Y & Anor, Re Family Court (B - district and circuit judges) [2022] EWFC 191 (B) Matching text sample:

    ...assistant headteacher at Y’s school.

    Nurse (4) - a school nurse at Y’s school.

    ...was making some progress at school with movement, standing and

    ...Y suffered a seizure at school earlier this year, she... ...that was administered by the school bought her up to her...

  • R v H (Reference by the Attorney General) Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2007] EWCA Crim 53 Matching text sample: practicable. He went to school during the day. As... ...after his return home from school, and when appropriate, she... ...relatively short distance between his school and his home after school ended.

    ...a pupil at the same school in Bury. He lived... ...was not far from the school, but in the opposite... ...suffered significant bullying while at school. the first year at school were kept separate from the... ...into the ordinary routine of school life. There was however...

    ...a meeting with him after school. A copy of that...