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Dean & Anor v East Sussex County LEA
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2005] EWCA Civ 323
Matching text sample:
...amended statements which named a school which I shall call “... A” school. The children were not... currently at that school. The parents objected to... ...the choice of the A school and preferred, what I... shall call, “B” school. The appellants appealed and... ...the statement in which A school had been named. The... Tribunal concluded that B school could offer appropriate treatment but... ...could be made at A school. The appeal against Part...
...the children began attending A school and, in the view... ...parents, their concerns about A school were realised.
...the statements and wanted B school to be named in Part4...
...despite their view that A school was unable to meet the... ...could be met at A school. It was agreed before...
Rabah Ghaoui v London Borough of Waltham Forest
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2024] EWCA Civ 405
Matching text sample: a private fee-paying school, open only to those...
...the child to go to school. and the child’s school. They explained that it... ...child] should attend a Muslim school rather than a multi-faith... primary school”. The submission set out... attend a specific religious school. The next day, she...
SM v SSWP & Anor (CSM)
Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber)
[2016] UKUT 245 (AAC)
Matching text sample:
...a) are sums spent on school “extras” such as school clubs and music lessons/sports... ...(which take place on a school site) items “in connection... ...resident parent on extras (including school extras) be taken into...
...expenses such as music lessons, school trips, bus fares, school uniform and so on.... addition to paying the school fees for R and A... ...the extra expenses associated with school such as music lessons, school trips, bus fares and... ...the extra expenses associated with school.
...the extra expenses associated with school could be taken into account...
Essex CC v DH
Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber)
[2016] UKUT 463 (AAC)
Matching text sample:
...relevantly, that [D] special school was to be named in...
...ordinary day attendance at [D school], and given the arguable... made available at [D school] was the same as...
...the parts of [D] school’s evidence which set out...
Crossland v University of Glamorgan
High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
[2011] EWHC 2809 (QB)
Matching text sample:
...and Management in the Business School.
...outgoing Dean of the Business School (Alan Lovell) and the... ...Associate Head of the Law School who had reported that he... ...his time in the law school. A huge amount of... ...the Head of the Law School considering taking disciplinary action against...
...he was in the Law School).” Later on 29
...come back to the Business School to do a Masters in...
Squires, R v
Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)
[2019] EWCA Crim 1167
Matching text sample:
at a school where she taught, over..., worked at the Tideway School, Newhaven. In about late...
...popular with the children at school. The victim liked her... ...began to walk home from school together. The victim began... ...the offender's gym after school and joined the school band in which the offender...
...On 2 February 2009, the school was closed due to snow...
...happening nearly every day after school. Count 2 charged a...
X (A Child), Re
High Court (Family Division)
[2013] EWHC 689 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...2007. These children attended boarding school in country B before attending...
...was enrolled to attend boarding school in country B from January... ...2011, she still attends that school. The applicant bought a...
...our family during X’s school holidays and as a place...
...always spend all of the school holidays as a family,...
K (A Child), Re
High Court (Family Division)
[2020] EWHC 488 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...mother entered him into the school system and he began attending... a mainstream school in year reception. It... ...quickly became apparent to the school that this was not an... until 12 noon. The school are clear that his level... ...he should attend a special school and they have identified a... school as an appropriate educational institute... ...been liaising with the identified school in order to get advice...
...the views taken by the school and the educational psychologist the... ...needs schooling in a special school or not but even if... ...he will need in another school. Having read the various... placed in a special school.
...She takes the child to school in the morning and he... ...the mother and from the school is that the child is...
...that he moves to Redgate school on the assumption that the...
Z v Y
High Court (Family Division)
[2013] EWHC 3381 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...and has always been at school in X. Her grandfather... get information from her school. He refers to her... able to return to school. This involved him making... ...London by arrangement with her school. He points to many...
A’s school fees to be paid in...
...per month, plus half the school fees: but he will...
High Court (Family Division)
[2018] EWFC 79
Matching text sample: is reported by the school, through the guardian, that... ...are always excellent. He attends school from the homes of each...
...during term time from after school on Friday until the start... of school on Monday with his father... ...father; and half of each school holidays with his father....
...with his father during the school holidays. The particular reason... ...that night E attends Turkish school or classes for about one... ...has left his normal daytime school. The father has been...
...should be enlarged from after school on Friday to the start... of school on Monday, to extend...