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Hertfordshire County Council v Davies
High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
[2017] EWHC 1488 (QB)
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...’) for possession of the School Bungalow, Cock Lane, Hoddesdon... ...became the caretaker at Sheredes School (‘the School’). On 12 June...
...the Defendant started work, the School was managed by the Council... ...On 1 September 2016, the school became an academy, the... ...). The Council lets the school grounds to the AT....
...‘Resident Caretaker’ at the School, subject to various conditions,...
.... Under the heading ‘The School and the Accommodation’ the...
FXF v Ampleforth Abbey Trustees
High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
[2020] EWHC 791 (QB)
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...her work as a primary school teacher in 2016 and start...
...her work as a primary school teacher in 2016 and start...
...and sent off to a school. She goes on “
...her work as a primary school teacher in a catholic school difficult
L v K
High Court (Family Division)
[2023] EWHC 2766 (Fam)
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...the local Infant and Nursery School in September 2022, although... ...he appears to have started school a number of weeks after... ...the beginning of the normal school term. H was attending school in the US before he... ...English peers when he started school in England. However, the... ...committed to his education. The school reports for July 2023 states...
settled well into our school
...The report suggests that the school anticipated that H would be... ...would be attending a new school in September, as has...
...what works for him and school and general stability but also...
Re Z (A Child)
High Court (Family Division)
[2022] EWHC 1005 (Fam)
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...very well in her primary school despite the conflict between F... ...moved to a Catholic faith school and had wanted Z to... attend a non-faith school. In any event she... ...due to go to secondary school in September 2022. three and Tuesday after school – also the current level... in her new Catholic school, have served to override...
...he retained Z during her school holidays in the summer of...
YR, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Lambeth
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2022] EWHC 2813 (Admin)
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...completed before the children entered school. This document, among other...
...Tilbury or the availability of school placements in the Thurrock area...
...the schooling of the six school-age children, as described... highly disruptive for the school-age children, who have... ...Lambeth so they could attend school. Since 25 September 2022,... .... GS, so all the school age children are attending their... ...started in reception at a school in Streatham, so six...
Cranford Community College v Cranford College Ltd
High Court (Intellectual Property Enterprise Court)
[2014] EWHC 2999 (IPEC)
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...which operates a state secondary school in the London Borough of... ...Hounslow (“LBH”). The school has been in existence since... ...under the name ‘Cranford Community School’ and since 1997 ‘Cranford...
...west London in which the school is located. For the... for students of post-school age. It was incorporated...
...should not extend to a school in the state sector.... (A school in the private sector trades...
AS v TH (False Allegations of Abuse) (Rev 1)
High Court (Family Division)
[2016] EWHC 532 (Fam)
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...9 August and his commencing school in Scotland on 11 August... ...time for the start of school and he agreed to contact...
...for the commencement of the school term. Both TH and...
...on Monday to go to school. He was happy and... attending playgroup, childminders or school it will be helpful to...
DE v The Chief Constable of West Midlands Police
High Court (King's Bench Division)
[2023] EWHC 146 (KB)
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...“C”) had attended a school camping trip in Wales....
...and was being bullied at school as a result. He... ...was also concerned about the school’s handling of the matter... ...He communicated regularly with the school to express his concerns,...
...he had made to the school. The Appellant suggested in...
...attended a meeting at the school about it and decided to...
C, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Brent
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2003] EWHC 1590 (Admin)
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...the authority, which specified a school called Burlington Danes school as the appropriate school for the provision for the...
...that SLC was not a school within the meaning of otherwise than at a school for the purposes of
...cope with attending any mainstream school. Miss C contended he... ...Burlington Danes was an appropriate school for M which could make...
...Burlington Danes was indeed a school which could make the educational... appropriately met in a school, having regard to ...educated otherwise than at a school.
L, R (on the application of) v Cumbria Constabulary
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2013] EWHC 869 (Admin)
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...claimant is an experienced secondary school teacher aged in his mid...
...v Governers of Denbigh High School
Denbigh High School
Denbigh High School