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A Local Authority v A (A Child)& Anor
Court of Protection
[2010] EWCOP 978
Matching text sample:
...(1) A (by her Guardian ad Litem, Judith Bennett-...
...her litigation friend the Official Solicitor)
the Local Authority Solicitor) for the Claimant/Applicant...
The report of A’s guardian ad litem, Judith Bennett-...
A Local Authority v A (A Child)& Anor
High Court (Family Division)
[2010] EWHC 978 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...(1) A (by her Guardian ad Litem, Judith Bennett-...
...her litigation friend the Official Solicitor)
the Local Authority Solicitor) for the Claimant/Applicant...
The report of A’s guardian ad litem, Judith Bennett-...
High Court (Family Division)
[2022] EWHC 2506 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...child through his Children’s Guardian)
...child through her Children’s Guardian)
...(children through their Children’s Guardian)
...independent social worker or appropriate solicitor, and the parties have...
A v Independent News & Media Ltd & Ors
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2010] EWCA Civ 343
Matching text sample:
In this appeal the Official Solicitor is acting on behalf of... addressed by the Official Solicitor who can independently assess the... ...was opposed by the Official Solicitor.
A London Local Authority v KB & LB
Family Court
[2022] EWFC 39
Matching text sample:
...her litigation friend, the Official Solicitor)
...Child by his Children’s Guardian)
...on behalf of the Official Solicitor) for the
...the Office of the Public Guardian, JK, who was paid...
High Court (Family Division)
[2006] EWHC 2010 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
IG (By the Official Solicitor acting as Guardian ad Litem)
...First Intervener by the Official Solicitor.
...into the allegations the Official Solicitor has taken a further point... ...'s objection to the Official Solicitor being represented during interlocutory proceedings...
His solicitor had read the husband's...
N (A Child), Re
High Court (Family Division)
[2009] EWHC 1663 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...(2) N (by his guardian, CP)
...file written submissions sequentially (the guardian by 20 May 2009,...
...submissions on behalf of the guardian were filed on 19 May...
The mother and the guardian accept that the father should...
B (a child) (private law fact finding - unrepresented father)
High Court (Family Division)
[2014] EWHC 700 (Fam)
Matching text sample:
...(a child, by her guardian)
Richard Ellis (instructed by guardian) for the child, B... the representative of the guardian. the position of the Guardian’s representative everything that I... ...least equal measure to the guardian’s solicitor if not more so.... The guardian’s statutory role is to... ...of the roles of the Guardian or of the children’s... solicitor to adopt the case of... ...parties retain confidence in the guardian and in the institution of... ...therefore cannot see that the Guardian or the child’s solicitor could be expected to conduct...
Bournemouth Borough Council v A Mother & Ors
High Court (Family Division)
[2017] EWFC 18
Matching text sample:
...AH (by his children’s guardian) (3)
...BH (by her children’s guardian) (4)
...CH (by his children’s guardian) (5)
Local Authority Solicitor
R & Ors (Minors), R (on the application of) v The Child and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2012] EWCA Civ 853
Matching text sample:
...their litigation friend the Official Solicitor) appoint a children’s guardian in a timely manner,... the appointment of a guardian as a result of CAFCASS...
...Mr D as R’s solicitor. On 1 July 2009... ...that CAFCASS should allocate a guardian as soon as possible....