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The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc v MccArthy
High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
[2015] EWHC 3626 (QB)
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...the alleged inducer, Mr De Winter, had raised the question... ...conflict. Accordingly, Mr De Winter honestly believed that his actions...
St George's, University of London v Rafique-Aldawery, R (On the Application Of)
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2018] EWCA Civ 2520
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EJ Winter & Son LLP
Orme v Lyons
High Court (Chancery Division)
[2012] EWHC 3308 (Ch)
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...seen the Strip myself in winter (the view being on...
Mason v First Leisure Corporation Plc
High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
[2003] EWHC 1814 (QB)
Matching text sample: from a consultant on winter sports which was the basis...
Wright (A Child) v Cambridge Medical Group (A Partnership)
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2011] EWCA Civ 669
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...took her to see Dr Winter of the defendants that day... ...complaint is made about Dr Winter, who advised Ms Wright...
Hannah Summers & Anor v Kristopher Paul Arthur White & Ors
Family Court
[2024] EWFC 182
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...started to cohabit the following winter. They lived together for...
Islington London Borough Council v First Secretary of State
High Court (Administrative Court)
[2004] EWHC 430 (Admin)
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...of Canning Road, particularly in winter. I think that the...
Keown v Coventry Healthcare NHS Trust
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2006] EWCA Civ 39
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...harbour after midnight in mid-winter and struck his head on...
SM & Ors, R (on the application of) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department
Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber)
[2018] UKUT 429 (IAC)
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...for homeless people during the winter months in Milan. The...
...shelter, but only during the winter months. However, access to...
Southern Housing Group Ltd v Kontou
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2015] EWCA Civ 617
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...creating excessive condensation in the winter. In addition, lack of...