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  • In the matter of RA (Baby Relinquished for Adoption) High Court (Family Division) [2016] EWFC 47 Matching text sample:

    Local Authority solicitor

    Children’s Guardian

    ...worker, and the Children’s Guardian. I reserved judgment. The... .... On 22 September, the solicitor for the Local Authority wrote...

    ...local authority and Children’s Guardian, and heard oral evidence... worker and Children’s Guardian; I received submissions of...

  • C (A Child) Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2008] EWCA Civ 1568 Matching text sample:

    Children’s Guardian.

    ...also by the child’s guardian. The child’s guardian believed that a leap to...

    ...were clearly unprepared for the guardian’s recommendation which emerged in...

    ...on 9 December and the guardian filed not a skeleton but... ...Mr Hudson, who represents the guardian, explains that the guardian elected to file a position... ...and responsibility as D’s guardian within the placement proceedings....

  • FH, Re Court of Protection [2016] EWCOP 14 Matching text sample: prepared by the Public Guardian. I asked for his...

    Whether the Public Guardian considers that a person who...

    ...11 December 2015 the Public Guardian duly filed his section 49...

    he understands from a solicitor’s letter that Shama has...

  • M (A Child), Re Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2009] EWCA Civ 315 Matching text sample:

    ...public law proceedings by her guardian. The judge also refused... represented by the Official Solicitor because she is not only...

    The Guardian ad Litem, S’s guardian, is not represented by... ...the excellent reasons that the guardian adopts the submission of the...

    ...the full support of the Guardian ad Litem. I also...

  • QC v UC & Ors High Court (Family Division) [2019] EWHC 167 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    (by their Guardian)

    The children’s Guardian’s solicitor in her submissions consistently question... ensure that both the Guardian’s counsel and the judge...

    ...he encouraged the Children’s Guardian to adopt an inquisitorial approach... ...the allegations and that the Guardian adopted this approach. At... ...the judge records that the Guardian’s counsel had conducted a...

  • B (A Child) (1980 Hague Convention Proceedings) Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2014] EWCA Civ 375 Matching text sample:

    ...parties, arranging for a CAFCASS guardian to be appointed for MB...

    ...F’s counsel, MB’s guardian and solicitor, and the maternal uncle... ...heard was from the CAFCASS guardian, and briefly from Mr...

    ...the office of the Official Solicitor and Public Trustee.

    ...Custody Unit to the English solicitor who had agreed to act...

  • P (A Child), Re Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2008] EWCA Civ 1607 Matching text sample:

    ...placement proceedings by the Official Solicitor, who did not oppose... ...the placement order. The Official Solicitor’s statement in both sets...

    ...evidence, however, the Official Solicitor, in the exercise of...

    In the care proceedings the guardian reached the same conclusion,...

    The guardian observed:

  • Joyce v Joyce High Court (Family Division) [2013] EWHC 1353 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...appeared on behalf of the Guardian.

    ...meeting with the children’s Guardian on 16

    ...evidence from the children’s Guardian, who saw the boys... be the children’s Guardian and joined them as parties...

    ...counsel for the mother, the solicitor for the father and the... solicitor for the Choldren’s Guardian. He (the solicitor for the Guardian) spoke of the ‘emotional... that the Children’s Guardian supports the need for the...

  • G (Children), Re Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2004] EWCA Civ 1187 Matching text sample:

    ...on behalf of the Applicant Guardian

    ...M and the children's guardian, Daphne Chirgwin, sought the... ...against the freeing orders. The guardian also sought a stay.... Ms M and the guardian on paper. On 2nd...

    ...plan was supported by the guardian. That left, of course...

    ...jointly instructed to report. The guardian's solicitor had taken the lead,... does sometimes happen, the guardian did not agree with Ms... ...itself is no criticism. A guardian is not automatically bound to...

  • A Local Authority v The Mother & Ors High Court (Family Division) [2022] EWHC 3074 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    (By the Children’s Guardian)

    ...MR. SION GWYN appeared as Solicitor for the Children’s Guardian

    ...represented by Mr. Gwyn (solicitor) and by the Guardian Miss Jones. X’s placement. The Guardian was aware of these because... ...apparently had expressed to the Guardian views which were critical of... ...of the position statement the Guardian indicated that the placement in...