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19,534 documents found

Results listing

  • Ground Gilbey Ltd & Anor v Jardine Lloyd Thompson UK Ltd High Court (Commercial Court) [2011] EWHC 124 (Comm) Matching text sample:

    ...defendants. In addition there was expert evidence from the claimants in...

    ...did not call its broking expert, and the evidence of... the claimants’ expert (Mr Timothy Dowlen) was...

    ...Dowlen (the claimants’ broking expert) that the reasonable broker...

    ...evidence of the claimants’ broking expert that the effect of the...

  • The Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police v The Information Commissioner & Anor First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) – Information Rights [2024] UKFTT 64 (GRC) Matching text sample:

    YSP obtained a joint expert report from the lead psychiatrists...

    Further, there is compelling expert evidence that not only would...

    ...some of the claimants the expert medical evidence is that the...

    ...the uncontroverted evidence of the expert psychiatrists that the disclosure of...

  • Felicity Vosper Mostyn-Williams v Stephen Robert Pyers Mostyn-Williams Family Court [2021] EWFC 123 Matching text sample:

    ...evidence of the single joint expert, Jenny Nelder.

    The subsequent single joint expert valuation made no allowance for...

    ...or whilst the single joint expert was preparing her report,..., to the single joint expert, although it seems unlikely...

  • Sprint Electric Ltd v Buyer's Dream Ltd & Anor High Court (Chancery Division) [2018] EWHC 1924 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...determined by an independent joint expert on the basis that (... ...of the instructions to the expert and shared the cost of... ...four firms from which the expert might be appointed. On... ...that a joint share valuation expert should be instructed. commence instruction of an expert until Mr Prescott had made... a joint share valuation expert as proposed on 16 November... determined by a competent expert. The offer in this... ...expect the costs of the expert to be shared but he...

  • Muncipio De Mariana & Ors v BHP Group Plc High Court (Technology and Construction Court) [2020] EWHC 928 (TCC) Matching text sample:

    ...Defendants’ solicitors) and two expert reports (one from Justice...

    ...response the Claimants served two expert reports (one of 72...

    ...of the Renova Foundation. The expert reports also challenge the ability... extend the time for expert reply evidence in circumstances where... ...the current matter. There the expert evidence in question was to...

  • Idemia France SAS v Decatur Europe Ltd & Ors High Court (Commercial Court) [2019] EWHC 946 (Comm) Matching text sample:

    ...application for permission to adduce expert evidence, made by Application...

    Both parties have also served expert evidence (which is the...

    ...Defendants have relied upon the expert reports of Mr

    ...Claimants have relied upon the expert report of Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed...

  • Ismail Mohamed Hassan & Anor, R (on the application of) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) [2016] UKUT 452 (IAC) Matching text sample:

    Expert Evidence


    ...the judicial criticisms of the expert evidence in

    ...first riposte is that the expert evidence in these proceedings has...

  • Eco-Sud and two others v Minister of Environment, Solid Waste and Climate Change and another (Mauritius) Privy Council [2024] UKPC 19 Matching text sample:

    ...but also on an independent expert’s report (“the Expert’s Report”): see...

    The Expert’s Report (see para...

    ...Ministry’s EIA Committee the Expert’s Report. This was... ...-Sud had commissioned from an expert in geography and wetlands acting... ...Research and Training”. The Expert’s Report raised concerns about... ...ought to be applied. The Expert’s Report identified a number... ...13 above). Overall, the Expert’s Report supported Eco-Sud...

    ...Ministry acknowledged receipt of the Expert’s Report, stating that...

  • Lendlease Construction (Europe) Limited v AECOM Limited & Anor. High Court (Technology and Construction Court) [2022] EWHC 2855 (TCC) Matching text sample: serve additional factual and expert evidence to deal with the...

    ...prepared witness evidence and served expert evidence on the understanding that...

    ...of AECOM to serve further expert evidence to address the blue...

    As to the potential for expert evidence, I am not... ...precise nature of the new expert issues that have been raised... ...time clearly identifying the additional expert issues in respect of which... permission for further expert evidence is sought. I... ...I do grant permission for expert evidence, then it will... ...the opportunity to rely on expert evidence on the same issues...

  • Invenia Technical Computing Corporation & Anor v Matthew Hudson High Court (King's Bench Division) [2024] EWHC 1481 (KB) Matching text sample:

    ...of a disbursement for an expert’s fees (which under...

    ...Ms O’Reilly to an expert, as set out in...

    As to the expert costs of £20,000... the identity of the expert or what the advice related...