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Khouj v Acropolis Capital Partners Ltd & Anor
High Court (Commercial Court)
[2016] EWHC 2120 (Comm)
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...have the benefit of forensic expert evidence or of disclosure or...
Family Court
[2024] EWFC 297
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...appointed as a single joint expert to value these various companies...
N (Children : Adoption: Jurisdiction)
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2015] EWCA Civ 1112
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...Family Procedure Rules relating to expert opinions.
Dr Syed Akhlaq Rizvi v The Commissioners for HMRC
First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber)
[2023] UKFTT 124 (TC)
Matching text sample:, they ask for his expert opinion and he gives it...
Birmingham City Council v SR
Court of Protection
[2019] EWCOP 28
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...following the advice of the expert professionals who know Mr ZZ...
Kirk v Walton
High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
[2008] EWHC 1780 (QB)
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...indicates (the Defendant’s orthopaedic expert), this Claimant had a...
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation & Anor v Newzbin Ltd
High Court (Chancery Division)
[2010] EWHC 608 (Ch)
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The claimants called as an expert witness Mr Andrew Clark who...
Prescott Place Freeholder Limited & Ors v Constantin Batin & Anor
High Court (Property, Trusts and Probate List)
[2023] EWHC 435 (Ch)
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...did not put forward any expert medical evidence that the Claimants...
Notting Hill Genesis v Sabouh Aziz
County Court
[2024] EWCC 15
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...provide a copy of an expert report which he had obtained...
Maestro Bulk Ltd v Cosco Bulk Carrier Co Ltd
High Court (Commercial Court)
[2014] EWHC 3978 (Comm)
Matching text sample:
...the arbitrators referred to the expert evidence and the Baltic Handy...