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  • Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council v GS & Anor Court of Protection [2014] EWCOP 46 Matching text sample:

    ...Regulations 2011 which require the school to comply with the National...

    No school restricts the liberty of any...

    As this type of school is unable to deprive a...

    ...“children’s home” for “school” and excepting a children’... ...a non-maintained residential special school, it must apply also...

  • T (A Child : Hague Convention proceedings) High Court (Family Division) [2016] EWHC 3554 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...relationship as teenagers when at school. They married in 2006...

    ...her that they knew which school her grandson attended and that...

    ...he commenced at his current school.

    ...environment’ encompasses place, home, school, people, friends, activities...

  • AK, (A Child), R. (on the application of) v The London Borough of Islington & Anor High Court (Administrative Court) [2021] EWHC 301 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...placement at Stradbroke, an independent school provided by Tulip Care,... or to stay at school. At that time, she... Stradbroke an independent special school in Woodford Green operated by...

    ...asked to ensure that the school attend the CPA. A... ...concerning AK attending the Lodge school. In November the meeting... engage in discharge, the school was to take more responsibility...

  • A and B (No 3) (domestic abuse – no direct contact – s91(14)), Re Family Court (B - district and circuit judges) [2023] EWFC 192 (B) Matching text sample:

    ...where the children go to school and has persuaded A ’... s school to respond to his requests... ...same arrangement with B ’s school. In my judgment, the...

    ...sent to the children’s school as well as to her... difficult to concentrate at school. B said she felt...

    ...access to the children’s school reports.

  • Smith, R (on the application of) v General Teaching Council for England High Court (Administrative Court) [2007] EWHC 1675 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...a mathematics teacher at a school called Holloway School at Hilldrop Road, London... ...vacancy was advertised by the school in June 2003. On... her to the employing school authority. The application contained... Mrs Smith listed her school qualifications and went on to...

    ...mathematics department at Bishop Challoner School since January 2002."

    ...two documents presented to Holloway School were inaccurate. The committee... a subsequent employer, a school in Selsdon in Surrey,... ...her employment with the Holloway School where her engagement had been...

  • Bernel Ltd v Canal and River Trust High Court (Chancery Division) [2021] EWHC 16 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...the car park of the School adjacent to the Site.

    ...(A) up to the school car park (B)” the manhole in the school playground (“

    the School Manhole

  • JGE v The Portsmouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2012] EWCA Civ 938 Matching text sample:

    ...and his parishioners.  As the school principal testified, “…people...

    ...for sexual abuse committed by school masters and priests. In... ...boarding house attached to a school owned and managed by the... ...the warden of the boarding school employed by them systematically sexually...

    ...not enough to make the school liable. The same would... ...of the groundsman or the school porter. But there was... it than that. The school was responsible for the care... ...was employed to discharge the school's responsibility to the boys... . For this purpose the school entrusted them to his care... ...which employment at a residential school gave him. He abused... ...special position in which the school had placed him to enable... ...very employee to whom the school had entrusted the care of...

    ...local representative of the distant school board.”

  • F v F High Court (Family Division) [2014] EWHC 3971 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...child’s arrival at primary school age and, between May... ...The children attended an international school with an English teaching medium...

    ...the mother and the Budapest school concerning leaving plans for the...

    ...older children to attend a school in London from September....

    ...remain in Budapest and attend school there. Once again, the...

  • G (A Minor) High Court (Family Division) [2014] EWHC 3541 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...having contact for parts of school holidays. These contact arrangements,... ...the week and parts of school holidays.

    ...the child and determining the school and career of the child...

    ...) “… in determining the school and career of the child...

    ...the children’s places at school in Hungary, although this...

  • S (A Child) Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2009] EWCA Civ 945 Matching text sample:

    ...teaching assistant at S’s school, whom they had reported... ...and they went to the school. There they became angry,...

    ...parents removed S from her school and she did not attend... school thereafter until she was taken... ...father was refusing to complete school entry preference forms until the... ...S only became of compulsory school age shortly before she was... ...from the society of her school friends and there was no...

    ...removing S from her primary school and her little school mates for some four months... ...they had disagreements with the school; and (c) at...