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  • Philip Milburn, R (on the application of) v The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2023] EWCA Civ 207 Matching text sample:

    ...born in 1999. While of school age he had an Education... ...During his final year of school, his mother, Ms Thompson...

    ...required, and (d) the school/college/institution named in the...

    ...[Milburn] once he left school. It is likely that...

    the school or other institution named in... ...plan, or the type of school or other institution specified in...

  • The Bard Campaign & Anor v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Rev 1) High Court (Administrative Court) [2009] EWHC 308 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...the town including a secondary school, shopping, business space and...

    ...the town – a secondary school, a medium scale retail...

    ...on whether a 3 tier school structure should be replaced with...

    ...on the implications for specific school partnerships, let alone specific... ...process does focus on specific school partnerships and specific schools but... ...on whether or not specific school partnerships, let alone specific...

  • AZ v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government & Anor High Court (Administrative Court) [2012] EWHC 3660 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...reveal the name, address or school, or include any particulars...

    ...bullied when he started secondary school to such an extent that... he refused to attend school and as a result was... sent to an approved school for a short period when...

    ...he was 13 and left school when he was 15 without...

    ...appears to be thriving at school and in the natural environment...

  • Luckwell v Limata High Court (Family Division) [2014] EWHC 502 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...per annum and all the school fees. There is not... ...the children had all left school or, if earlier, attained...

    ...also be responsible for the school fees for Victoria and Frankie... stop all allowances and school fees to which I refer... be responsible for the school fees. Mike himself said... the allowance and the school fees, a point to...

  • F (Children), Re Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2003] EWCA Civ 592 Matching text sample:

    ...for the following periods: during school term time with the mother... ...proceeds that during the main school holidays the children should spend... ...extra day during the main school holidays, subject to the... ...'s share of the Christmas school holidays not reducing below a... ...her share of the summer school holidays not reducing below a...

    ...'s enrolment of N at school in the summer 2002 without... Edinburgh home during the school term times, and in... ...a Hampshire home during the school holidays. My Lord has... ...half share of the main school holidays will be eroded if... ...home as their home during school half terms and almost all... the school holidays. That is a...

    ...schedule which suggests that, omitting school holidays which were to be...

  • Lipski v Regional Court In Torin, Poland & Anor High Court (Administrative Court) [2020] EWHC 1257 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...with contact with Aleks’s school. They have drawn substantially...

    ...every weekend from Friday after-school until Sunday evening. The... ...anything, such as issues with school or when he has become... ...s life. Contact with the school is with the appellant.... ...makes arrangements to pay for school clubs, lunches and activities... ...Aleks need picking up from school, for example when he... is unwell the school contacts the appellant. The... is he who buys school equipment school clothes shoes and other items...

    ...her to communicate with the school or with professionals in Aleks... ...when Aleks gets home from school, leaving him to watch...

    ...manage a hospital appointment and school liaison, without the appellant’... ...and the increased risk of school failure , mental health problems...

  • Secretary of State for the Home Department v E High Court (Administrative Court) [2007] EWHC 233 (Admin) Matching text sample: take the children to school. S states that, as... take the children to school so her husband did not... their eldest son’s school during Ramadan for the Ifta... take his children to school. As, however, E... take his children to school with the Home Office,... ...both take his children to school in the morning and to...

    ...and the pilgrimage at his school, that they could not...

    ...including parents’ evenings at the school which are held at about...

  • XVW & YZA v Gravesend Grammar Schools for Girls & Anor High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2012] EWHC 575 (QB) Matching text sample:

    ...students at the first defendant school and set off on 16...

    ...them. They claim that the school and the second defendant (...

    ...was a teacher from the school Miss Pina. Two representatives...

    ...met up with another English school expedition at a local restaurant...

  • M (Children) High Court (Family Division) [2019] EWHC 39 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...been living and going to school.

    M collected B from school as normal on 24th March... 2017, but telephoned the school on the following Monday morning... ...well. L did not attend school at the time as he...

    ...precipitate loss of their home, school and friends and family and...

    ...attack, this time on a school in Cheshire and was arrested...

  • A v B High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2007] EWHC 1246 (QB) Matching text sample:

    ...made a final payment of school fees for Y. After...

    ...too young to go to school. Until about 1999 A...

    ...A said, referring to the school fees for Y, that... ...term’s schooling at C School in August 2002, making... ...of £2,400 to that school, which might otherwise have... to go to any school for that term, because...

    ...was taken through the C School documents. There was an... who had found C School. It was suggested to... ...he who had found C School and had been the prime...