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  • Arawak Homes Limited v The Attorney General and another Privy Council [2016] UKPC 34 Matching text sample:

    ...for use as a public school. By notice under section... ...been appropriated (“the first school site”). This site... build the Cleveland Eneas School. 6.213 acres of...

    ...including for construction of a school, housing and public roads.... ....246 acres (“the second school site”). The Sadie... Curtis School was built on this site... respect of the first school site, subject to some...

    The first school site: (a) 20...

  • An Hospital NHS Trust v S & Ors High Court (Family Division) [2003] EWHC 365 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    Current family and school life.

    ...spontaneous. He attends a special school where he presents no behavioural... ...difficulties and takes part in school activities.

    ...encourage him to do his school work during dialysis and then... the headmistress of the school he attends, by his...

  • CD v Disclosure and Barring Service Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) [2024] UKUT 291 (AAC) Matching text sample:

    ...whilst working at Z Primary School.

    ...whilst employed at Y Primary School. Your actions included singling...

    ...of the decision by the school where CD was working not... ...from both LADO and the school when it decided in 2014...

    ...of similar behaviour in different school years and at different schools...

  • Mhango, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department High Court (Administrative Court) [2010] EWHC 1321 (Admin) Matching text sample: at the Eardley Primary School in Streatham in September 2003... ...and she continued at that school until she and her mother... ...In March 2007 Tionge started school at Dalmarnock Primary School. She moved to St.... Maria Goretti Primary School in Glasgow in October 2008...

    ...of Tionge and enclosed her school reports and other materials....

    ...having attended previously a primary school in England … before moving...

    ...was making good progress at school and had adapted to 3... ...and make good progress in school in Malawi. It was...

  • Ali v Caton & Anor High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2013] EWHC 1730 (QB) Matching text sample:

    ...with grommets. He went to school at Rokeby School in Stratford until taking his...

    ...s oldest brother. He left school without any GCSE’s but... ...’s sister is still at school.

    Jubair went to Rokeby School in Stratford until he took... ...The OFSTED report on Rokeby School in May 2003 said that... ...of the opinion that the school required special measures, since... ...described as a “rapidly improving school [which] provides a sound... ...sense a distinguished scholar. His school records show that in 2003... ...grades were stated by his school to be one D and...

    ...was allocated to him at school. There was discussion of...

  • D (Children), Re Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2011] EWCA Civ 1294 Matching text sample:

    ...and the commencement of the school holiday. His alternative or...

    ...bullying experienced by Luca in school had been at a school, St Joseph's, which... ...2009 he had attended a school, Jean Jaures, and there... ...was a report from that school which indicated that his behaviour...

    ...a distinction between an English school to which he had been... ...the wrongful retention, and a school at which Luca had experienced... ...received from his current English school, which suggested that he...

    ...distinction between St Joseph’s school and Jean Jaures; in...

  • R (A Child) High Court (Family Division) [2014] EWHC 2802 (Fam) Matching text sample: parent observation day at school etc. or when the...

    ...enrol him in a primary school at Cambridge. If she... son resumes his primary school study in Tokyo as quickly... semester of his primary school started today, April 8

    ...UK to attend a primary school. Please note that I,... ...his study in his primary school in Tokyo. Thank you...

  • Murray v Devenish & Ors (Sons of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2018] EWHC 1895 (QB) Matching text sample:

    ...A seminary is a secondary school testing a possible vocation to... ...). Mirfield was a boarding school which usually took boys after... ...It was a relatively small school with about 80-90 pupils...

    ...a boy in the Comboni school, Mirfield.’ On 24

    ...been forced to leave the school. In addition, there was... ...the Claimant’s performance at school after the abuse began.

    ...then been teaching at the school.

  • Ellis v Ellis Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2005] EWCA Civ 853 Matching text sample:

    ...his educational costs at private school; and finally, £500...

    ...18,000 odd) to pay school fees for Miles. After... paying her costs and school fees her lump sum was...

    ...than have Miles attend day school in the Cayman Islands,... go Florida to boarding school. Thus, from about August... ...Miles has been attending a school in Florida where he is... ...order to pay for his school fees, the wife raised...

    ...eroded largely by costs and school fees and went to augment... has debts, including a school fees loan. Her average... ...Miles. In round terms his school fees are some £11,...

  • Fields v Fields (Rev 1) High Court (Family Division) [2015] EWHC 1670 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...attend a boys’ boarding public school at the age of about... ...son currently attends a private school in the general area of... ...Chelsea. Both parents like that school. The son is very... ...of a nanny with the school run. The daughter currently... ...close to the son’s school and very close to the... ...event, move to a new school this autumn, being now... ...from the son’s current school if he were to remain... the son’s present school. She says, very adamantly...

    ...Knightsbridge. The son is at school there. The family home...

    ...the children except their actual school fees, is about £400...