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  • Sidhu v Rathor High Court (Chancery Division) [2020] EWHC 1916 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...Mr Nelson and Ms Bernadette Johnson, who was the Primary... ...timed at 14.28 Ms Johnson wrote to Ms Linda Smith...

    ...partner referred to by Ms Johnson. Jaswant’s evidence was...

    ...2015 at 12.08 Ms Johnson sent Ms Smith a form... ...)” as instructed by Ms Johnson in her email of the... ...completed form as per Bernadette Johnson.”

    ...timed at 18.10 Ms Johnson asked Ms Zarovskis to confirm...

  • Sharratt v London Central Bus Co (Accident Group Test Cases Tranche 2) High Court (Senior Court Costs Office) [2003] EWHC 9020 (Costs) Matching text sample:

    ...trip case (e.g. Johnson (C/28/626))...

    ...2000. In the case of Johnson (C/28/637) the...

    .../823), except Perkins and Johnson, are RTA cases in...

    ...was an industrial accident, and Johnson, which was a trip...

  • Anan Kasei Co, Ltd & Anor. v Neo Chemicals & Oxides (Europe) Ltd & Ors. High Court (Patents Court) [2022] EWHC 708 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...product to a particular customer, Johnson Matthey (“JM”),...

    Johnson Matthey has informed us they...

    ...basis that, absent testing at Johnson Matthey’s facilities in the... ...oxide market through sales to Johnson Matthey specifically.”

    ...licensed product does not expose Johnson Matthey to litigation risk throughout...

  • Edward Williams v The Information Commissioner & Anor First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) – Information Rights [2023] UKFTT 1003 (GRC) Matching text sample:

    ...witness statement of Ms Carla Johnson dated 14.06.2023 in...

    ...the witness statement of Carla Johnson with explicit but confidential assertions...

    In her witness statement Carla Johnson, Deputy Director, Returns Logistics...

    Attached to Ms Johnson's statement is a closed...

  • Mohamed Amersi v BBC High Court (King's Bench Division) [2024] EWHC 774 (KB) Matching text sample:

    [clip of Boris Johnson: “the campaign is over...

    ...thousand pounds went to Boris Johnson’s leadership campaign. His... completely fascinating under Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party, is...

    [clip of Boris Johnson with people applauding].

  • Chief Constable of West Mercia Constabulary, R (on the application of) v Boorman High Court (Administrative Court) [2005] EWHC 2559 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    MR J JOHNSON perfectly clear, as Mr Johnson conceded, that this is...

    MR JOHNSON: My Lord, we are...

    MR JOHNSON: My Lord, I think...

  • REGINA v AGM Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2022] EWCA Crim 920 Matching text sample:

    His Honour Judge Johnson

    Andrew Johnson

    ...Bournemouth before His Honour Judge Johnson, the applicant, a Vietnamese...

    Mr Andrew Johnson for the prosecution submitted that... ...trafficking and her offending. Mr Johnson pointed out that this case...

  • Michalczyk v London Borough of Southwark Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2015] EWCA Civ 1501 Matching text sample:

    Mr Lindsay Johnson

    ...however, as underlined by Mr Johnson in his renewal statement for...

    The submission made by Mr Johnson is in summary that it...

  • Stepp v Government of the United States of America & Anor High Court (Administrative Court) [2006] EWHC 1033 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    Johnson v. Browne

    Johnson v. Browne

    Johnson v Browne

    Johnson v Browne

  • Generics (UK) Ltd (t/a Mylan) & Anor v Yeda Research And Development Company Ltd High Court (Patents Court) [2017] EWHC 2629 (Pat) Matching text sample:

    Johnson 1995

    ...000 - 23,000 Daltons, Johnson 1995 and the other later...

    Johnson 1995

    ...The results were reported in Johnson ...(7), 1268-1276 (“Johnson 1995”). Treatment with...