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  • Canning, R (on the application of) v Her Majesty's Coroner for the County of Northampton High Court (Administrative Court) [2005] EWHC 3125 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...the Wren Spinnery Community Special School at Kettering which he had...

    ...returned to The Squirrels from school, on 22nd January 2004,...

    ...statement from Mrs Hawes, the school nurse, that he had...

    ...he presented on return from school. There was an account...

  • CA v DR (Schedule 1 Children Act 1989: Pension Claim) High Court (Family Division) [2021] EWFC 21 Matching text sample:

    ...can start at her new school in the September term of...

    ...has agreed to meet her school fees. He takes them to school and he supervises homework and... the like when their school day ends. He prioritises...

    ...she can easily travel to school without a long commute.

  • CP, R (On the Application Of) v North East Lincolnshire Council Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2019] EWCA Civ 1614 Matching text sample:

    ...1999, CP started attending P School. She received input from...

    ...resource for pupils from P School and other children with SEN...

    ...year for CP at P School, and Fix n’Kiks... remain at Humberston Park School for the academic year 2014...

    ...June 2014, CP left P School, and her Statement of... ...since CP had now left school, her social care needs...

  • Willmore v Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council (Rev 1) Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2009] EWCA Civ 1211 Matching text sample:

    ...what is now Bowring comprehensive school.

    ...demolishing prefabs and a primary school in her road, and... ...suspicion moved to the secondary school she had attended between 1972...

    ...that avoidable exposure in the school had made a material contribution...

    ...pupils to the newly built school in 1972. Asbestos is...

  • M v B High Court (Family Division) [2024] EWHC 3266 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    my third school was not nice

    ...had been happy at her school in the Czech Republic and... ...lots of friends at her school and had been very popular...

    my school in England is really nice...

    ...Republic related to not liking school and Halloween being boring there...

  • Royal National Institute for Deaf People & Ors v Turner High Court (Chancery Division) [2015] EWHC 3301 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...friends. They had been to school together; they had been...

    ...met in 1925 at Sunday school. They attended the same school and remained friends all their...

    ...Turner taught at a language school in Richmond. Whilst there,...

    ...up his own small language school in Richmond. Mr Hallam... ...described it as a boutique school accredited by the British Council...

  • F v M & Anor High Court (Family Division) [2008] EWHC 1525 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...head of N’s nursery school in the report prepared in... from N’s nursery school dated 17 March 2006 is... ...up her daughter from nursery school”. The head teacher says... daughter at the nursery school on ul. O and... ...mistress and left the nursery school with my daughter.

    ...does not go to nursery school.

  • Edwards, R. v Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2011] EWCA Crim 3028 Matching text sample:

    ...beds, had a problem at school with a girl named,...

    ...C had come home from school, told Mrs Davis that... ...On Wednesday 15th C, after school, said that some children... ...sick so Mrs Davis rang school at 8.20 in the...

    ...been punched by someone at school. She did not like... ...falls down stairs and at school. She referred to the...

    ...that J, the girl at school, had thrown her to... the floor at school. She had been sick...

  • AH v BH Family Court [2024] EWFC 125 Matching text sample:

    H to pay nursery and school fees.

    ...the younger child reaches secondary school, and thereafter in accordance...

    H to pay nursery and school fees.

    ...and for part of the school holidays. H has flagged... ...more time with him in school holidays, and he may...

  • VB v JP High Court (Family Division) [2008] EWHC 112 (Fam) Matching text sample: a well-known public school. M attends a separate... preparatory school as a day boy,... ...proceed to his brother’s school in September 2009.

    ...further order; (iii) the school fees for both boys and...

    ...then level of the boys’ school fees, the husband was...

    ...payments of extras on the school fees bill and to what...