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977 documents found
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- Commissioners for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs v NCL Investments Ltd and another United Kingdom Supreme Court [2022] UKSC 9
- Bott & Co Solicitors Ltd v Ryanair DAC United Kingdom Supreme Court [2022] UKSC 8
- Croydon London Borough Council v Kalonga United Kingdom Supreme Court [2022] UKSC 7
- Craig v Her Majesty’s Advocate (for the Government of the United States of America) and another (Scotland) United Kingdom Supreme Court [2022] UKSC 6
- Y4 Express Limited v The Commissioners for HMRC Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) [2022] UKUT 40 (TCC)
- Royal Bank of Canada v The Commissioners for HMRC Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) [2022] UKUT 45 (TCC)
- Bloomberg LP v ZXC United Kingdom Supreme Court [2022] UKSC 5
- Public Prosecutors Office of the Athens Court of Appeal v O’Connor (Northern Ireland) United Kingdom Supreme Court [2022] UKSC 4
- R (on the application of O (a minor, by her litigation friend AO)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department United Kingdom Supreme Court [2022] UKSC 3
- Urenco Chemplants Limited & Anor. v The Commissioners for HMRC Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) [2022] UKUT 22 (TCC)