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931 documents found
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ING Bank NV v Ros Roca SA (Rev 1)
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2011] EWCA Civ 353
Matching text sample:
, 457A–B (Croom Johnson LJ).
Asda Stores Ltd, R (On the Application Of) v Leeds City Council (Rev1)
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2021] EWCA Civ 32
Matching text sample:
...L.J. agreed, Croom Johnson L.J. said (at...
Jetivia SA & Anor v Bilta (UK) Ltd & Ors
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2013] EWCA Civ 968
Matching text sample:
Holman v Johnson
Smeaton v Equifax Plc
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2013] EWCA Civ 108
Matching text sample:
Bailey v. Johnson
Ingosstrakh -Investments v BNP Paribas SA
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2012] EWCA Civ 644
Matching text sample: represented by Steptoe & Johnson. On 6 September 2010,...
Aziz v Aziz & Ors Rev 1
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2007] EWCA Civ 712
Matching text sample:
...a banner with the words “Johnson War Criminal” was compatible...
Brake & Ors v Lowes & Ors
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2020] EWCA Civ 1491
Matching text sample:
Touche v AG Johnson
Eastaway v Secretary of State for Trade & Industry
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2007] EWCA Civ 425
Matching text sample:
Johnson v Gore Wood & Co...
Oldham & Ors v Kyrris & Anor
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2003] EWCA Civ 1506
Matching text sample:
In re B. Johnson & Co (Builders) Ltd
Laporte, R (on the application of) v Gloucestershire Constabulary & Ors
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
[2004] EWCA Civ 1639
Matching text sample:
...Freeland QC and Mr Jeremy Johnson