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  • Excess Insurance Company Ltd & Ors, Re High Court (Chancery Division) [2015] EWHC 3572 (Ch) Matching text sample: that any privilege or confidentiality which originally attached to Mr... The sale and purchase agreement also included an understanding that...

    ...October 2015, or later by agreement. Clause 12 provided for...

    ...companies for whose benefit this Agreement is entered into.

  • HKW v CRH Family Court (B - district and circuit judges) [2024] EWFC 358 (B) Matching text sample: order to preserve the confidentiality of the parties, I...

    ...the respondent’s case an agreement was entered into with the...

    ...happening, and she was in agreement with the same. and that a loan agreement was drawn up. Indeed... ...the reason for the loan agreement was that ARC needed a... loan agreement in case the Spanish tax...

  • S v C High Court (Family Division) [2020] EWHC 2127 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...and the importance of preserving confidentiality. The letter is dated...

    ...£5 million. Following AN agreement that each of these parents...

    ...entered into a partial instalment agreement whereby she pays £40,... concluded, he has an agreement with the new shareholders that...

  • Lu v Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2014] EWHC 690 (QB) Matching text sample:

    ...same requirements requiring discretion and confidentiality will be placed upon them...

    ...Dr Ryder. The letter records agreement that any programme for a...

    ...full-duties, subject to his agreement to, and compliance with,...

    ...of the completion of the agreement of your return to work...

  • Baxter v Todd High Court (Chancery Division) [2019] EWHC 1959 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ..., which, contrary to the confidentiality applicable to that information,...

    ...married, Mr Baxter, by agreement with his landlord. Croydon...

    ...consultation with and with the agreement of Gul, decided to...

    ...In consequence and with the agreement of the Council an amended...

  • Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd, Re High Court (Chancery Division) [2020] EWHC 2191 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...made, the need to maintain confidentiality can be explored in more...

    ...the Company has already reached agreement for a compromise of their...

    ...rearranged pursuant to a support agreement, details of which, like...

    ...Creditors are concerned, the RCF agreement will be converted into a... term loan agreement, the maturity date will...

  • Allen Fabrications Ltd v ASD Ltd (t/a ASD Metal Services and/or Klockner & Co Multi Metal Distribution) High Court (Technology and Construction Court) [2012] EWHC 2213 (TCC) Matching text sample:

    ...not be given because of confidentiality. Not much can be...

    ...Allen and ASD (“the Agreement”) was made by 28...

    ...allege various terms of the Agreement as follows:

    ...says were incorporated in the Agreement.

  • Castlefield Property Limited v National Highways Ltd Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) [2023] UKUT 217 (LC) Matching text sample: provide details and commercial confidentiality limited the information he was...

    ...instead entered into a confidential agreement with the Estate that it... ...claimant was aware of this agreement before it completed its purchase... access would depend on agreement on compensation first being reached... would be assumed that agreement would only be reached after...

    ...July 2022, when it reached agreement with the Tatton Estate on...

  • Hirtenstein & Anor v Hill Dickinson LLP High Court (Commercial Court) [2014] EWHC 2711 (Comm) Matching text sample:

    ...paid that I have a confidentiality agreement about price, etc, so...

    ...standard form of Memorandum of Agreement (“MoA”) approved by...

    ...after the date of this Agreement, are hereby excluded for... Clause 15 of the Agreement

  • Warner-Lambert Company, LLC v Actavis Group Ptc EHF & Ors Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2015] EWCA Civ 556 Matching text sample: practicable for reasons of confidentiality, or because the person...

    ...of any oral or written agreement entered into with a pharmacy... ...of any oral or written agreement entered into with an intermediary... ...condition of any onward supply agreement for the supply of Lecaent...

    ...of any oral or written agreement entered into with a pharmacy... ...of any oral or written agreement entered into with an intermediary... ...condition of any onward supply agreement for the supply of Lecaent...

    ...Aliud entered into a discount agreement to supply pregabalin with a...