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  • Svenska Petroleum Exploration AB v Lithuania & Anor High Court (Commercial Court) [2005] EWHC 2437 (Comm) Matching text sample:

    ...), signed a Joint Venture Agreement (the “JVA”) in...

    ...a party to the arbitration agreement contained in Article 9 of... ...a party to the arbitration agreement. The State made no...

    ...GOVERNMENT from signing an arbitration agreement at the time when the...

    ...not relate to a commercial agreement (section 3); and...

  • Bank of Scotland Plc v Greville Development Company (Midlands) Ltd & Ors High Court (Chancery Division) [2014] EWHC 128 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...not even arguably compromise the confidentiality requirement, which Mr. Blundell... ...could no more violate the confidentiality requirement than did Mr.... HMLR because the true agreement or mutual understanding of the...

    ...the bank pursuant to an agreement he had reached with agents...

    ...has been settled by compromise agreement. This issue arose following...

  • Pinewood Technologies Asia Pacific Limited v Pinewood Technologies PLC High Court (Technology and Construction Court) [2023] EWHC 2506 (TCC) Matching text sample:

    ...for breach of Clause 13 (Confidentiality).

    the First Reseller Agreement

    the Second Reseller Agreement

    ...respect of the First Reseller Agreement and to £0 in... ...respect of the Second Reseller Agreement;

  • Carbon Smart Ltd v Prevista Ltd Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2015] EWCA Civ 668 Matching text sample:

    ...Associate” of Prevista and a confidentiality agreement which Prevista required Carbon Smart...

    ...draft of a Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) was emailed... ...Murray. A version of this agreement was ultimately signed by Mr... ...2011. Appendix 1 of the agreement contained a number of “...

    ...view of the matter, the agreement between Carbon Smart and Prevista...

    For the purpose of this agreement Prevista Ltd, whose registered...

  • JSC Mezhdunarodniy Promyshlenniy Bank & Anor v Pugachev & Ors High Court (Chancery Division) [2016] EWHC 248 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...produce the trust deeds and confidentiality orders were made in respect...

    ...first citing (unconvincingly) a confidentiality order made in relation to...

    ...records that a measure of agreement had been reached between the...

    ...the title given to an agreement entered into between the new...

  • Harb v HRH Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz High Court (Chancery Division) [2018] EWHC 508 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    The 2001 Agreement

    Issue1: Was there an agreement at all?

    Issue 2: Was the agreement intended to create legal relations...

    Issue 3: Was the agreement too uncertain?

  • Necarcu Ltd v Oldham Athletic (2004) Association Football Club Ltd High Court (Circuit Commercial Court) [2023] EWHC 2096 (Comm) Matching text sample:

    ...pursuant to a written loan agreement dated January 2017 and secured... ...that, pursuant to that loan agreement, the claimant duly advanced... ...owed pursuant to the loan agreement in the principal sum of...

    ...the existence of the loan agreement but denies that the total... ...defendant contends that the loan agreement, and all liability thereunder,... ...a variation of the loan agreement whereby Mr Corney assumed the... ...The defendant contends that such agreement is evidenced by a letter...

    ...we have now made an agreement with Simon Corney.

    ...’s position is that the agreement evidenced by this letter had... ...effect of extinguishing the loan agreement and replacing it with a... newly novated agreement under which the liability was... ...of contractually varying the loan agreement so as to relieve the... ...before the entry into this agreement, the football club had... ...might have had under the agreement. Middleton Solicitors was a...

  • Macquarie Capital (Europe) Ltd v Nordsee Offshore Meg I GmbH High Court (Commercial Court) [2019] EWHC 1655 (Comm) Matching text sample:

    ...entered into a Non-Disclosure Agreement signed on 23 October 2012...

    Agreement that the second term sheet...

    ...Windreich entered into an Engagement Agreement. The Engagement Agreement comprised an Engagement Letter,... ...were incorporated into the Engagement Agreement by the third paragraph and...

    The terms of this Engagement Agreement are at the heart of...

  • Superior Composite Structures LLC v Malcolm Parrish High Court (Administrative Court) [2015] EWHC 3688 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...because of a duty of confidentiality owed to Mike Klumb....

    ...the absence of any treaty agreement. There is no such...

    ...2007. Abersham enters into an agreement with Ambiente Homes Midwest LLC...

    ...number of drafts of an agreement in principle circulated between the...

  • Thurgood v Coyle High Court (Chancery Division) [2007] EWHC 2696 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...subject to the law of confidentiality, which no one suggests...

    ...who were the engineers. The agreement between Mason Nabarro Partnership Limited... clause 1 of the agreement and it is:

    Clause 8 of the agreement, which is the critical...