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  • Alstom Transport v Eurostar International Ltd & Anor High Court (Chancery Division) [2010] EWHC 2747 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...”) from entering into an agreement (the “Agreement”) with Siemens PLC (...

    ...its decision to award the Agreement to Siemens, Eurostar breached:... the award of the Agreement, but has accepted that,... ...the procurement process for the Agreement. ALSTOM does, however,... ...Regulations applied to the preliminary agreement made between Eurostar and Siemens... ...August 2010 (the “Preliminary Agreement”).

    ...Eurostar entered into the Preliminary Agreement with Siemens demonstrate that it... ...of the award of the Agreement?

  • Tullett Prebon Plc & Ors v BGC Brokers LP & Ors High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [2010] EWHC 484 (QB) Matching text sample:

    ...on 10 November 2008, but agreement was reached and an agreed... secure the trader’s agreement to the broker having a...

    ...they cannot be resolved by agreement.

    ...terms and conditions. A separate agreement entitled ‘loan agreement and promissory note’ provided...

  • Winterthur Swiss Insurance Company & Anor v AG (Manchester) Ltd & Ors Rev 1 High Court (Commercial Court) [2006] EWHC 839 (Comm) Matching text sample:

    By a written agreement dated 1 July 2001,... sign a TAG Service Agreement and Declaration. TAG then...

    ...Letter and a Conditional Fee Agreement under cover of a standard...

    ...Care Letter and Conditional Fee Agreement), to complete a Fact...

  • US v SR High Court (Family Division) [2014] EWHC 175 (Fam) Matching text sample:

    ...he entered into a service agreement for 12 months from 17...

    Because there is common agreement that it will not be... ...exercise of my discretion. Absent agreement between the parties, that...

    ...absence of a properly concluded agreement between them reflected in an...

    ...eventually led to a compromise agreement between them whereby he agreed...

  • Avonwick Holdings Ltd v Webinvest Ltd & Anor Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2014] EWCA Civ 1436 Matching text sample: due under a loan agreement and a guarantee. The... ...subject to a collateral oral agreement to the effect that Avonwick... accepted that the settlement agreement itself must be disclosed. Avonwick a proposed loan agreement which would reschedule Webinvest's... ...subject of the security. No agreement was reached and there were...

    ...written terms of the Loan Agreement and the guarantee. These... ...Webinvest and Mr Shlosberg. By agreement, the time for compliance...

  • Blue Power Group Sarl & Ors v Eni Norge AS & Ors High Court (Chancery Division) [2018] EWHC 3588 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    The degree of confidentiality in the information sought;

    ...and such professional duties of confidentiality as exist between lawyers and...

    ...parties have, however, reached agreement in principle in relation to...

    ..., including an “Exclusive Framework Agreement” (“EFA”), relating...

  • A County Council v A Mother & Ors Family Court [2023] EWFC 122 (B) Matching text sample:

    ...said that the maintenance of confidentiality is exceptional, and highly... ...But the decision on whether confidentiality should be maintained can only...

    ...hereafter “the 1989 Act”) agreement between the applicant and first...

    ...Peter Jackson LJ (with the agreement of Sir Andrew McFarlane P...

    ...of Baker LJ (with the agreement of Singh and Phillips LJJ...

  • A v British Broadcasting Corporation United Kingdom Supreme Court [2014] UKSC 25 Matching text sample:

    ...proceedings was to protect the confidentiality of documents disclosing their identities... ...order and would undermine the confidentiality which the proceedings were intended...

    ...the First Division expressed their agreement.

    ...made. With the BBC’s agreement, that hearing was postponed...

    ...order was made with the agreement of the BBC.

  • Windsor v Bristol Crown Court & Anor High Court (Administrative Court) [2011] EWHC 1899 (Admin) Matching text sample:

    ...ECHR, and their right to confidentiality at common law, it...

    ...the extent to which the confidentiality of the documents is also...

    ...April 2011 there was substantial agreement between the parties as to...

    ...2 December 2010, save by agreement with the Claimants.”

  • Mireskandari v The Law Society & Ors High Court (Chancery Division) [2009] EWHC 185 (Ch) Matching text sample:

    ...(and the claimant’s) confidentiality in documents over which legal...

    ...continuing duty to preserve the confidentiality of information imparted to him...

    ...said to have reached an agreement with a Mr Tehrani,... ...I was told that this agreement resulted in a deed of...

    ...question is either resolved by agreement or decided by the court...